Wieso kauft meine Mutter immer zu enge, kleine Klamotten?
Meine Mama (60) kauft sich immer wieder viel zu enge Klamotten in Gr S oder M. Obwohl sie eher eine Gr L hat. Es sieht sehr gequetscht, unvorteilhaft und unbequem aus.
Früher war sie mega dünn gewesen……. Heute macht sie sich selbst ständig runter und sagt sie sei zu fett und hässlich, dabei ist sie völlig in Ordnung. Ich sag ihr jeden Tag wie hübsch sie ist und dass sie überhaupt nicht fett ist. Es hilft alles nichts, was ist nur los mit meiner Mutter?
Sie macht sich damit nur unglücklicher und sie isst zum Trost mehr. Ich versteh dass sie dünner sein will, aber ihre Methode machst nur schlimmer.
Your mother’s behavior is not unusual. Many people who would like to be thinner also make it like this: they buy a lower size in clothing because they want to have the appropriate figure or they will soon reach. I make it partly similar: I have some shirts that don’t fit me anymore. But since I am emotionally certain to become thinner in abseharer time, I lift them up (even if they block my wardrobe).
Probably it just comes with age
Probably she wants to become even thinner and starts with it because she has no success in other ways with decreasing? That would be my theory.
The self-perception is somewhat delayed in some people.
In some cases, the hope “maybe still” to fit in, as before. Or the hope that the purchase of these garment sizes is sufficient to get enough incentives to be able to wear such a garment size again soon.
And depending on the shop chain or manufacturer of clothing, the clothing is also different. Not everything M is then like an M (as an example). Sometimes that garment in size L or XL would really fit (maybe with this one batch of clothing of this manufacturer, comes before).
But exactly DA is the problem. Some customers then simply don’t want to get into the head why you have to take the larger excellent dress size. After all, the smaller size has also been matched so long.
Someone I know is so similar to it (senior age, feels as thick and has to be lost weight). This person (in clothing, I don’t know what it looks like and I don’t care about anything) is visually normal weighty. I also had to explain that the metabolic process does not work as before when you were 40 years younger. But as I said, the usual self-perception does not necessarily correspond to that of other people who perceive one
Because she wants to be thinner.
I tell her every day how pretty she is and that she’s not fat at all.
With these words, you will certainly not get them dressed differently. You’re still haunting how beautiful she is. Why don’t you tell her kindly but what you really think? She can still have such a beautiful face, with her inappropriate clothes she is no longer beautiful.
For hardly anyone will look her in the face, but first of all the unshaped bacon rolls and roundings will fall into the eye, so that at most it will only be smiled.
And that’s exactly what you should tell her and also that you were always proud of her, but you can’t stand it now if you make fun of her.These are honest words that she probably thinks more about.If not, then everything is just her problem and I wouldn’t react to her complaints anymore.