Wieso kauft ihn niemand?

Hallo , hab meinen LG OLED 4 K 55 Zoll ein paar mal bei EBay Kleinanzeigen reingestellt. Der sieht noch aus wie neu und hab in der Beschreibung geschrieben das man ihn bei der Abholung gerne überprüfen kann und hab ihn für ein fairen Preis angeboten manche speichern es aber melden sich sie und niemand möchte ich ihn kaufen an was könnte es liegen ? Hab alles beschrieben in der Beschreibung gibt es noch andere Möglichkeiten wie ich den Fernseher verkaufen könnte weil möchte mir ein neuen holen da es momentan gute Angebote gibt.

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1 year ago

/00 for a used TV without warranty?

For the price I also get a new one that I like.

Apart from that, this is a price situation that is only used when you can specify it

1 year ago

Possibilities like I could sell the TV because I want to get a new one because there are good offers right now.

tja so are many others, as well as want today’s gamer 4k monitors

I personally as a residual user hardly buy a monitor over 20 euros but I also use DVI cable on the monitor so XD

and give monitor one at small displays, there will be beaten with thousands of offers and I’m sure I find one cheaper than yours that is almost as good.

1 year ago

What could it be?

Apparently, you put the price too high. Fair for you, unattractive for buyers.

1 year ago
Reply to  Timofficial09

This was last year for approx. 900€ new sold. I therefore consider 700€ utopian.

1 year ago

Not more than 400€, and only with pickup. To send such a block unharmed usually goes wrong.

1 year ago

Well, no one has the need for it right now. Or the money. It is just before the end of the month, and salary or civic money is only coming next week.

1 year ago

No need and therefore no demand, very simple.

…as there are good offers right now.

And there are others who like to buy new products with warranty.

1 year ago

too high electricity consumption?