Wieso kann man nicht schneller als Licht sein?

Es hört ganz genau bei dieser spezifischen Geschwindigkeit auf. Wieso ist das so?

So es sind 229.792.458 m/s

Wieso nicht 229.792.459

Wie kann etwas so genau abgestimmt sein? Wie ein Regler X, der nicht überschritten werden darf

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2 years ago

The value itself is 229.792.458m/s because of our definition of the meter and the second.

In the more recent definition, the speed of light is precisely defined to this value and the meter is defined via the speed of light.

For example, a measuring system can also be formed in which the speed of light c=1.

It stops at this specific speed. Why is that?

Actually, you don’t know. However, the SRT and ART are subject to unambiguous considerations which have led to this statement at the end. These were experimentally confirmed, which, however, does not make the whole inconvenient.

In the end, it means only we know that we do not know any way to exceed the speed of light and so far nothing has been measured which would refute this assumption, which of course does not mean that absolutely nothing exists.

2 years ago

The value was determined some time ago because it is very close to the measured values that are ultimately based on the old definition of the meter. So you don’t have to change the numbers in the books, although you have changed the definition!

The reason DAS c forms a limit are the effects that occur when you reach speeds in the range of c! Ivann can only increase the speed in ever smaller steps without reaching c, although energy is supplied. Nevertheless, the kinetic energy increases.

2 years ago

First of all, this is the speed you measured.

In the meantime, the definition of the meter has been related to the same vibration as the second, or—which is equivalent—the speed of light has to be fed to an exact value.

(Actually, a “critical speed” was derived from the Maxwell equations and was called “c”)


The fact that nothing (more precisely: no form of energy) can be faster than the light (in vacuum) is only a consequence of the results of the special relativity theory.

2 years ago

Movement in space and the sequence of time are not independent of one another, but intimately linked to the four-dimensional space time (Minkowski geometry). This was the very basic discovery of Albert Einstein. In the recognition that the speed of light is an absolute, invincible limit for the speed of matter particles in space, it could only be shaken if one had to throw the Einsteinian relativity theories on the garbage piles of science history. This is not to be expected.

2 years ago

Because you always move through space time with speed of light. If you stand still in the room, then by time. Everything moves at speed of light. The speed of light is defined by the units.

2 years ago

The meter is defined by the speed of the light than the length that the light travels in 1m/c, so that a different speed of light would be connected to another meter. So it’s a matter of definition.