Wieso kann man im Leerlauf nicht Gänge schalten?
Hallo, ich habe mal eine frage undzwar wieso kann ich im stand nicht in den 4&5&6ten Gang schalten ist da eine Sperre für drin oder wieso?
(das ist nur eine rein technische Frage)
(Im normalen Betrieb kann ich jeden Gang einlegen)
You can switch all gears (shift gears) through a motorcycle as well as a car in the stand! It can only be that tooth meets tooth somewhere in the gear. then you can’t. Then you take the gear out, let the clutch come very short when the engine is running, then the gears go.
There are no locks or the like. What for?
With a normal manual connection, it should be possible without any problems as long as you have pressed the clutch
IdR can be switched through all gears when idle, provided the clutch is actuated. In the meantime, however, many vehicles have locks which do not release the higher gears – very probably for minimizing damage when starting accidentally.
With a kicked clutch it should work like that, although sometimes a little crochety.
Normally you can switch completely when you hold the clutch
You can also switch from the first directly to the sixth, although this is not necessarily advisable
And if the engine is out and uncoupled, you can also completely switch through
Actually, it should be. Or it is relatively new and really a barrier. You could also try to get in the 4th gear. Whether you can do it is another question.
I was able to switch all corridors like that with my car. Of course, clutch.
All gears can be switched through in the stand when the clutch or the motor is switched off. It’s meaningless anyway.