Wieso kann ich nicht ohne Drogen und Alkohol leben?
Ohne den Zeug macht das Leben einfach keinen Spaß…..
Ohne den Zeug macht das Leben einfach keinen Spaß…..
Heyyy,Wollte fragen ob man wenn man eventuell an perfum schnüffeln (für zbs 30 minuten) auch davon high werden Kann. Ich weiß das man von stoffen die im Sprüh deo sind und auch im Flüssig kleber das man davon durchaus high werden kann,deshalb würd’s much interessieren obesity auch mit perfum geht. Danke im voraus<333 (btw ich…
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Hallo, ich würde ungern bis Frühjahr warten und wenn möglich jetzt schon anbauen. Im Haus leider zu wenig Platz, aber genug auf dem Dachboden. Dieser ist leider nicht isoliert und es wird sicher kalt im Winter (genaue werte weiß ich auch nicht). Kann ich die Pflanzen dennoch am Fenster (west Seite) anpflanzen oder sollte ich…
Hallo, ich war heute beim Tierarzt und es wurde festgestellt das mein Zwergkaninchen Luft im Bauch hat. Ich habe viele Medikamente bekommen, außerdem wurde ihr eine Spritze verabreicht. Sie nimmt die Medikamente nicht an und isst sehr wenig. Sie hat ein Brei vom Tierarzt bekommen den sie auch nicht will. In einem 15 qm Meter…
kanarien jungvogel (2 monate alt) geht es sehr schlecht er schläft die ganze zeit auf den boden ein und macht nicht immer den kopf in die feder zum einschlafen. Ich war gestern schon beim tierarzt und habe auch schmerzmittel und antibiotika mitbekommen.. ab und zu öffnet er den schnabel und schlackert mit der zunge herum…..
Ask here: https://www.anonyme-alcoholiker.de/ Pretty far down you can find First Aid Team They can explain it well.
Drugs and alcohol seem to fill out something with you. Usually this is a very deep inner void. Drugs and alcohol are a kind of substitute for something that will break you in the medium term,
There is only one
stationary detoxification
inpatient clinic stay with psychotherapy
outpatient psychotherapy
Self-help group.
These possibilities cannot be seen as “or” but as “and.” You need these possibilities ALL (against each other), otherwise you will be underlying.
Yes, a neighbor of me was dependent on long alcohol, but then she decided to stop because now she says she has always lied to herself and because away from enlightenment she regularly goes to the self-help group, before she was on withdrawal for 2 months and she says meanwhile there is more and more mountain going down and deep again, but she never reaches the bottle.
What else my mother’s ex-boyfriend at that time was three times on withdrawal, and then most of them knew he could not listen to the whole thing with 54 years he died of liver failure. Even my father died because of alcohol and I have to say that I am so happy that I don’t drink I mean anything like young people are like that, I went to parties and so drank too often, but then I thought at some point I really want such ends that I also become alcoholic and myself to death sours, then I made a stop because it’s not like that with a beer, even if there are people who love me.
Perhaps my self-healing powers can compensate (of the principle, such as placebo, which also work.)
I guess you think so because drugs make an artificial sense of happiness and maybe there is a addiction.
But if you haven’t taken anything for a long time and you’ve changed, you’ll realize that life can be fun without drugs – depending on the activities and social environment, etc.
Yeah, sure. I just woke up after the night shift, sometimes you write too fast. Unfortunately, the word ‘possibly’ can no longer be deleted. At the first moment, you didn’t know all the circumstances, but that sounds like 100 percent
Edited (false comment)
That’s a good question. You better talk to professionals. The advice is confidential and non-binding. Look here: https://mindzone.info/beratung/
Maybe this will help you. https://drugscouts.de/page/reflexion-des-drogenuse
You’re doing something.
You could go to the foreign legion or to the development aid, then you would learn very quickly or live drugs or alcohol.
Only do not press too much on the lacrimal gland, just because one consumes substances and believes not to have control.
It’s a bad fun to fall in it.
The stuff is driving addiction, working addiction and husband, marvellous when you come home, woman and children smell your flag and anything else and therefore prefer to stay away from you.
These are the choices that you make in life and you think they are.
Change your mindset and you will ask yourself how to live only with alcohol and drugs.
That’s what they call addiction. Life also does without the fun, but not yours, as you seek satisfaction only in drugs and noise, and not where else.
Such diseases can be treated well
..when your own desire is there.
Well, maybe it was because of the ex of my mother who died of liver failure at 54 years with 3 times on withdrawal.
unfortunately not, at least not easy to treat.
Well, without grass, I don’t like it, but the rest I can do without it, especially with you, it’s already heavy addiction.
I also thought for a time, 10 years of continuous consumption
Did it stop and it’s actually all the time like with grass 😂 I smoked daily safely to the 15 joints, the tolerance is simply ass, you’re almost with grass as usual – for which I smoke cigarettes. The exit was easy, you just have to do it three days without, the rest of the days are done by yourself
Hard to explain, just got up after the night shift, maybe you know what I mean
Okay, well, that’s different I smoke only, the for years 2 to 3 joints in the evening there were times when I smoked a bong, just after coffee already.
Ok naja quit smoking is also always easier said than done, sure we all know smoking is harmful and so, only there must be the whole willing, my cousin and a buddy of me smoking for a couple of years no longer my cousin had made it so there was New Year I think 2017 New Year he had said I smoke now nothing more and made it to my buddy it was so he had too much smoked much too much I think if it were 1.5 pack
So it’s almost the same as it was in stress situations. Maybe it helps to gain distance faster, but essentially I don’t see any difference, as a tip also helps me (unfortunately). I think you often behave a bit and it is only power of habit
How are you now in stress situations?
That’s something else I can understand 😁
Ok sorry was a little incomprehensible, only if I have a lot of stress at work then I’m happy at home to smoke a joint to relax.
But if you have so much fun during the day without grass, you cannot write that you have no fun without grass
That’s not, I’m just having fun because I’m getting quieter in the pear, I need it because it’s getting me down.
So you mean you’re not having fun every day by night, never?
Like me, for 55 years now. …. Live and have fun…..
Otherwise, you make a mistake in your whole life.
So I do something wrong with my consumption, but you don’t or what?
If you ask so honestly, yes.
It’s called addiction.
You’re just that.