Wieso kann ich keine Mails erhalten?
Hey, ich bin grade in meine Mails gegangen und habe mich gewundert das ich seit paar tagen keine erhalte. dann hab ich jetzt unten eine meldung stehen sehen und wenn ich darauf gehe kommt das was in dem bild zu sehen ist. woran kann das liegen ? es ist seit paar tagen seitdem ich mit einem krankenhaus wlan verbunden bin, kann das daran liegen ?
For some reason, it does not get any connection with the server of Mail Provider. Are you connected to your internet via Wi-Fi? Works surfing on the web and other things the internet needs. Which email provider you have.
yes I am normally connected, and everything else works too. and email provider is normal apple if that’s what you mean
You’re using Apple’s e-mail app, but I mean what you’re ending. like Gmail or Freenet or GMX or something.
The mail server refuses the connection.
Can you use a VPN?
what is the
How do you build your internet connection? Are you going to the Internet directly via your provider or is there a web proxy or virtual private network interposed?
Like Avast VPN, or any VPN of a security software?
Okay, thank you
Yeah, you should try that first. Disable WLAN and go online via mobile data.
So it would work again if I got out of the wlan? is it enough to make and ignore the wlan or do you have to cancel it somehow differently?
This may be, but now the mail server no longer allows access. You can’t change anything because it’s a server-sided “error” or the server-side is done. You should probably change your external IP, so go online via another network. Mobile data e.g.
but from Monday to Thursday it still worked
It may be good that the network of the jack is blocked for mail access, because from there many accesses took place in the past and the mail server that has recognized as spam.
and that with the mail is since Thursday. since Monday I am here so it is probably not
I can’t say that, here is a kind of “TV” where you can look, hear, etc. and in the settings is the user name with the password what you can then use for handy, laptop, etc. that had to be unlocked by the clinic and then it was set.
Run your VPN – pure search