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Lenovo per se is not a meme rather the ThinkPad, a laptop of Lenovo, formerly from IBM. In the course of time, ThinkPad models received many awards, e.g. in 2006 the PC Magazine’s reading prize for the best PC laptops or in 2007, when the ThinkPad series received the first place in a PC Magazine survey on reliability and support. On the Internet, ThinkPad computers have reached a kind of cult status, especially for computer fans in online communities such as the former /g/ forum. From the 2010s, the ThinkPads and their fan community developed numerous inside jokes and plays, such as older ThinkPads from the time before Lenovo to bypass surveillance software.
tldr.: ThinkPads have a cult status online and many memes and jokes have evolved around the older models. The most famous Meme is probably the MacBook vs. ThinkPad comparisons. Internet culture is funny and difficult to explain, hope that helps.