Wieso ist heutzutage Schwarzarbeit so unnachweisbar?
Ich machte mir Kopf, dann müsste man kein Bargeld verbieten, wenn man mit dem Staat auf eine Idee kommt, wie man Schwarzgeld nicht täuschen kann, denn klar weiß der ZOLL nicht, wieviel Kunden, aber man müsste eine App haben, entwickelt von Banken, wo der Kunde oder die Kundin selber bestätigt hier eingekauft zu haben. Gute Idee?
Black work and black money often hang together, but are different facts
If a person or entrepreneur provides his services and does not pay taxes and social security contributions, this is Black work. The exercise of a trade or craft without notice to the authorities and without registration is also part of this.
Black if persons do not properly tax their income and retain the total gross amount.
And detectable is that within the framework of the audit and a financial balance. Often through accounts abroad does not have that easy – but it is.
Are you smart now? I already know about 10 years, but that’s what it’s all about, because this doesn’t work like decades, so the owners create a room and so much still compete that many have no chance against fraudsters.
You’ve been smart and I think you have a little more knowledge now.
You can’t know everything, not at the age of 10, but there are questions and answers and that was my answer to your question. And if you have additional questions, always to…
Black work and black money – Ultimately it’s about tax evasion!
Tax evasion and avoidance leads to € 160 billion loss in Germany – In the year!
No, don’t click, write here.
Can you express yourself understandably? I don’t know what you mean.
To what extent is the GDPR compliant?
It is not always just a law that can provide problem solutions.
Many laws and regulations must also be taken into account in smaller set screws.
In addition, there is no legal obligation to carry out a mobile terminal and then with active data connection.
Not everyone can afford a smartphone. Children buy Lollies. My nephew isn’t even 4 and insists that if you order pizza and pick it up, he’ll get this pizza out of the store all by himself (was the first time right amusing, as the pizza seller/ baker was a little ….
And nee, I’m not sure every toddler gets the babysitter “Digital Media”!
I don’t understand a word, sorry!
Learn laws!
Cash is not to be abolished for reasons of a few black workers, it is about banks having full control over the population.
No, the federal government wants to combat black labour and money laundering. For banks it is only a higher start to monitor and log everything.
I can also tell you from experience that the banks provide a lot of news about money laundering, black work and that also leads to consequences.
Banks have no control over the population. There are too many different banks.
I don’t think so. This is the excuse for public opinion. Logically they can’t say “We want control over you, don’t worry” of course they say, “We don’t want control, no, no, no, no, no, we don’t want to… oh yes, we want to contain black work, eat it! Do not worry about you :)”
But the government is looking forward to good faith people who are not in their way.
Eben, I say yes
The JC controls this. The payment is not allowed to be high, or it is asked where the money comes from.
Maybe. Most people are not very intelligent. If the apartment is too expensive one has the possibility to pay even the difference I have heard.
If the apartment is too expensive, the JC won’t pay.
The car is not admitted to the public benefit recipient.
Pays the job center.
You see what car is allowed on him.
and how will I check if the apartment is so expensive or a gasoline eater is used?
I can check if the apartment costs more money.
Clear allowed he. If then a car with high consumption is, its apartment costs 900€ warm and he has a few subscriptions that are also 100€, and thus nothing left of the public money, how will he then eat and buy gasoline? That’s why I’d deliberately roll this.
It is rather impossible to avoid black work (immoment) there are cash, crypt and account transfers. This with transfers is also only noticeable when it comes from different people, crypt is never noticed but more cumbersome and cash is just as long as there is cash.
You can’t check if the apartment is better/larger. He can even own a car.
It’s hard to control “black work.” But since the banks had to report it, it’s been better.
If the citizen’s money gives a little more rent to have a better apartment, in addition a car would be allowed on it I would check that, you can’t afford it normally.
In addition, black work cannot be traced if you pay with crypto. But good.
The customer is just like a poor worker like the one doing black work. Don’t give the customer his money.
How are you going to control that there is no citizen’s money?
It also saves not only the worker, but also the customer. So I don’t want to be cheated.
Hmmmm of power and control… but power and control is definitely overrated and nobody needs. You can’t start with that. Yes, they have nothing of it, power and control is worthless.
My God, let the poor workers get their side. As long as they don’t have any citizens’ money, I’m fine. After all, they don’t get a pension.
What’s the bank got? Absolutely nothing.
But the state and the social funds are missing a lot of money in black work.
because nobody talks about it…
by the way: a certain amount of black work needs the country even! Some things wouldn’t go without.
Aside from this, the damage that the fight against black labour is if one wanted to eradicate it to 100%, to a certain extent greater than the degenerate tax profits.
The plumber who ventilates the heating to his neighbour for a small tip, because the company goes right into the three-digit area, is still something other than the builder who, with a Polish black-working column, raises the police school or the unemployed electrician, who practically stabbed for cash inne toe.
Lg, Anna
But… that you have to work before thinking about a business to cover the costs, is very important to the state and nothing else. It doesn’t necessarily have to go, in a state view.
The radical fight against black work or black gains is therefore sensible, because of cash is already partially withdrawn, such as cash can no longer be paid for real estate, my knowledge.
I don’t understand the other correctly, sorry!
VG, zenie
No, you don’t need black work, do you? I know no reason except that I personally have more money in the wallet and weaken social systems. .
That’s how it is, but you eat it because state isn’t for which animals the Annas are anyway.
A certain Donald Trump advised his people not to drink disinfectants against the Corona virus long ago. the ones who drank it must have been able to infect no one more, and they had their suffering behind them.
it is about maintaining proportionality! The neighbor who helps Oma Else for nen Zwanni to screw the new wardrobe together doesn’t have to be arrested by the SEK. aside from the fact that black labour is also beneficial to the economy, since revenues are generated that would never be done.
As I said, to a large extent etc. there must of course be something against.
What customers? And what does the customs have to do with customers?
The main customs offices in Germany are responsible for the fight against black labour and illegal employment, with their area of financial control of black work, in which you can provide your information on possible black work in writing or by telephone.
Tell me something I don’t know yet.
That wasn’t my question either!
I am not on gf to miss you