Wieso ist es normal geworden, dass man in Stellenanzeigen fast keinen Informationen mehr findet? Und ist es angebracht danach zu fragen?
Wieso findet man so häufig keine Informationen zu Arbeitsstunden, Urlaubstagen oder sonstigen Benefits oder etc in Stellenausschreibungen?
Und findet ihr es in Ordnung, wenn man nach einigen Mails und vor dem Termin zum Vorstellungsgespräch danach frägt?
I think it should be normal that it is okay to ask things in advance if the company does not consider it necessary to specify them. Especially if they are so important to you that the answer could be an exclusion criterion for you.
Both sides can also save time and energy.
If it comes to an interview, you have the opportunity to ask everything. The relevant information about the employer can be found on its homepage.
I’m asking because I got an offer for a job interview and a day of rehearsal.
At the moment I am still in a fixed employment relationship and I honestly do not want to invest time when I have no information on working hours, holidays, etc.
Free rehearsal work would not be possible for me anyway. What are you doing? After all, 6 months of sampling time