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1 year ago

How much power flows through the body is determined by the tension in addition to the skin transition resistance and through the body. The higher the voltage, the greater the resulting current.

With the same resistance, at 12 volts, less current will flow through the body than at 230 volts, precisely because the voltage is lower.

If you want the same current at 12 volts as 230 volts, you need to make sure that the body resistance is correspondingly lower.

1 year ago

But the current is decisive. 1A in the body are deadly. Not much less.

The “problem” of 12V is that this little tension due to the Ohm’s law is not capable of in your body to generate a dangerous current.
In a wire of course, but then the 1A does not flow through your body.

1 year ago

Your statement is not true. It depends on how much ampere duch the body flow. To this end, the Ohmic Law should be able to represent the interplay between voltage, current and resistance.

I = U/R

Current/amper = Voltage/volt : Residue/Ohm

This then flows at a higher voltage a higher current at equal resistance.

1 year ago

Because this tension is not enough to drive a deadly stream through your body, which means a certain hurdle.

1 year ago

For 1A with a correspondingly high body resistance, you also need a correspondingly high voltage.

1 year ago

Although the current flows through the body kills, you need a relatively high tension so that this happens at all, because the skin already has a relatively high resistance.

At 12 V there is virtually no current flow within the body, no matter how high the current is.

Kris, UserMod Light
1 year ago

The transmitted energy is decisive, i.e. the product of voltage, current and time. In particular, the latter is an important factor, but it cannot be flattened at all.

By the way, if you apply 12 volts, your body will never flow in the ampere area. You can roughly say that the human body has an ohmic resistance of about 1000 ohms. At 12 volts, that would be 12 mA current.

1 year ago

Because at 12 V not enough electricity can flow so that it becomes dangerous.