Wieso ist die Schweiz so klein?
Es ist im Grunde genommen nur ein Bundesland so klein wie es ist.
Es ist im Grunde genommen nur ein Bundesland so klein wie es ist.
Ich habe nur mal so eine Frage es interessiert mich einfach. Wenn man sich illegal in einem anderen Land aufhält wie merkt dann jemand dass dass illegaler Aufenthalt ist?
(Wenn ihr Tipps zu England, Schottland, Italien habt, könnt ihr die auch gerne schreiben :)) Hey, ich habe ein Bahnticket mit dem ich einige male durch Frankreich fahren kann und ich überlege es im November oder Dezember zu nutzen. Wo ist es am schönsten in Frankreich? Ich war im März schon in Paris und habe…
Welche Sehenswürdigkeiten muss man gesehen haben?
Ich hab den Gedanken schon sehr lang und lebte früher auf dem Land und liebte es, deswegen denke ich wenn ich älter bin möchte ich wieder auswandern und aufs Land ziehen was denkt ihr darüber
No, Switzerland is an independent state and cannot be a federal state alone. In addition, there are countries that are still much smaller
It is so small, because it has now emerged from topography and historical formation. Look at Malta. Just a little over 500’000 inhabitants – and still is considered an independent state. Singapore is also much smaller than Switzerland. Then there would be the Principality of Liechtenstein, Monaco and and and.
Switzerland also proves economically that the size is not necessarily the mass day of all things.
I live directly on the border of Switzerland and could drive through the whole country in a few hours
Yeah, it’s “small” like that. Still no argument. Then I can put Germany in realisation with the area of Russia. Then I’m very fast. By the way: “to Switzerland” as you say “Switzerland”. Not from Switzerland.
Don’t worry about it. I speak “dein” German dialect-free and you wouldn’t realize that I am a Swiss woman.
In addition, the way things are spoken is not relevant when it comes to how to write a text grammatically. In Switzerland, too, we use the identical form of “German” as a written language, which you use in Germany for the font. Schiller, Goethe and other great writers were also not translated into the Swiss-German dialect and Swiss authors such as Friedrich Dürrenmatt or Jeremias Gotthelf also served the classical, German language of writing.
This doesn’t sound like a Swiss dialect in the approach, but a person with a throat head disease.
Very daring. As a Swiss person to improve in German. At least I can talk without this painful accent. ‘Irrr gähre züm küchikästle’
Switzerland has no federal states but cantons
because they are too small
No, because they’re just called different. Whether you say “federal” or “canton” has nothing to do with the crowd of people in these constructs. These are linguistic differences, no more.
There are bigger and smaller countries, what is your problem about it?
Yeah small but fine.
That’s what happened earlier.
Should we leave Bavaria? ECT