Wieso ist die GPU Auslastung so hoch?
Woran liegt das? Kann mir es jemand erklären, woran es liegen könne?
Woran liegt das? Kann mir es jemand erklären, woran es liegen könne?
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The load does not refer to the maximum available power (depending on the display).
In your example, the GPU consumes only 12W – not even in the approach what it might be, but is still 90% off. This, however, is somewhat misleading, since this refers to the instantaneous power state of the GPU. Here, for example, the GPU clocks at 800mhz, which is practically idle. The GPU could also run full power here, then the utilisation would be lower, but the power consumption would be higher.
In short, you are almost 90% in energy saving mode – Not in maximum power mode 90%.
It’s okay! That means that your CPU can operate the GPU.
If this is too low, it is either the specifications/settings of the game or your CPU is too weak. Or there are other problems, such as driver problems etc. The GPU usage should always be close to 100%.
This, however, is a simplified and flat-rate statement. Without exact specifications, you can’t say that in general.
All in all, but completely normal and it indicates a well-tuned system.
All clear concurrent chat gpt.
What makes you think about this answer, it would be generated by ChatGPT, doesn’t quite reveal me. The whole formulation is quite different from an AI generated response.
I have the feeling that there is a troll generator! You also like to use this look!
Thanks for the compliment, but no! I didn’t need one, nor am I one! 🤣
From my point of view, the clear marker, such as the repetitions, has led in, and the final summary suggests that. Things like “this is, however, a simplified and flat-rate statement” are also treacherous. From my point of view, the translation of an English generation. (then it comes from “That’s great” or “That’s good to hear!” Does not give so many tools that can super analyze German texts, but Quillbot, for example, also gives 100% probability from which the fun is generated. These tools are also not 100% reliable.
Vll also talks to chat.gpt all day and takes over the ductus. Of course I can’t say with certainty either. But it’s very AI-typical the number.
Because apparently any application in the background is running a lot of CPU power. It just helps to throw a look at task manager and see who the evildoer is.
For a Gpu it’s normal to be so high.
Because it’s used.
In a game the hardware is loaded.