Wieso ist Deutschland gegensatz zu Niederland so ubanisiert?

Wenn ihr mal Städte wie Berlin, Duisburg, Frankfurt, Dortmund schaut besonders die Hauptbahnhöfe oder S-Bahn stationen

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3 months ago

Main railway stations and S-Bahn stations do not necessarily have something to do with urbanization. These can also be present in small places, provided they are located on well-used tracks.

For example, Frankfurt has only a centrally located railway station, the Gladbecker Bahnhof serves only as a turning point for lines coming from Dortmund. Apart from this, the Gladbeckers have no reason to guide the railway line around their city area, so the railway station is also located on the city border Gladbeck-Gladbeck-Brauck.

Duisburg, on the other hand, has five or six main railway stations, but without chance, to compare them with the railway station in the city area located in Gladbeck market center. This can be easily reached on foot.

3 months ago

Could be strongly associated with Germany having a lot more industry than the Netherlands.

3 months ago

The population density in the Netherlands is almost twice as high as in Germany. This means a higher degree of urbanization.

3 months ago

If you drive to Amsterdam or Rotterdam, it is no less urbanized than in German cities.

And in the Lüneburger Heide, the Eifel or the Bavarian Forest, any urbanization, just as your question lacks the actual basis.