Wieso ist der ganze Funk auf Englisch?
Die sind doch in Deutschland!?
Condor Airbus A321 Stuttgart-Funchal Cockpit-Flug mit Audiokommentar vom Flugkapitän – YouTube
Die sind doch in Deutschland!?
Condor Airbus A321 Stuttgart-Funchal Cockpit-Flug mit Audiokommentar vom Flugkapitän – YouTube
Hallo ich bin 15 Ich bin vor kurzem geflogen und ich hatte davor eigentlich große Angst aber es war sehr toll ich habe es genossen. Um ehrlich zu sein würde ich gerne wieder fliegen am besten jedes Jahr 2-3 mal. Aber mich würde mal interessieren für die die schon oft geflogen sind ob das jedes…
Wenn es unterschiedliche Airlines sind, muss ich dann mein Gepäck im Zwischenstopp wieder abholen und wieder einchecken lassen?
Muss dies in den Handgepäck, weil die Leuchten eingebaute Akkus beinhalten?
Gehören die Jetways am Airport einem Handlingunternehmen oder dem Airport?
Ich fliege in 6 Std. in den Urlaub und habe gerade bei der Eurowings App nachgeschaut, wie’s mit dem Flieger aussieht. Dabei ist mir aufgefallen, dass ich am Notausgang sitze.. Bei der Buchung konnte man nicht sehen, wo der Notausgang liegt, daher habe ich einfach eine beliebige Reihe gewählt. Ich habe nun doch irgendwie Angst…
Hallo, erstmal zu mir, ich bin 17, strebe auf Abi, habe sowohl Mathe als auch Deutsch Lk und recht solide skills im Englischen. Wie kann ich jetzt möglichst günstig (ich weiß so ne FLugzeugausbildung ist nicht ganz günstig) Pilot werden? Mein Traum ist es, zu fliegen, also ist es erstmal egal ob ich in nem…
Because the language in flight radio is English.
It may seem superfluous at Condor, Lufthansa, Swiss, etc., as both sides can speak very probably German, but it is now a rule and a rule that you stay in the air radio and also in the Cocpit in the Englisheb.
Imagine a United 787 coming from New York to Frankfurt, then the pilots could not talk to the pilots because the pilots are very likely not powerful to the German language.
Umd you as a pilot, for example, would not be able to spark in China.
That’s why it has been settled on an international language decades ago, and everything else ends in chaos. There are also all names in aviation in English. You will not find a cocpit that is written in German.
It is already hard enough when a US air traffic controller speaks with a French pilot, as both often speak no accent-free English. Americans are particularly endangered because they reduce a lot or swallow sounds.
There are few exceptions in which the flight radio is spoken in the local language, which are usually the most regional flight movements of sailplanes, etc.
Most of it is correct, small comment:
German speaking radio is allowed in Germany even at international airports. Most hobby and private pilots are allowed to spark German only with the BZF-II. All German solders therefore dominate German and English radio.
I didn’t know. Thank you.
English is the recognized international world language.
It is therefore used in national air traffic as well as in international air travel.
One must not forget: even if a Lufthansa plane flies from Berlin to Stuttgart, it still communicates on flight radio frequencies which British Airways also uses on the flight from London to Stuttgart. For each tower has only one radio channel for the arrival and departure traffic. That’s why everyone has to listen to everything.
Air traffic is usually international. It is clear that not every pilot can learn x languages and even if one would try, life-threatening communication problems would be pre-programmed. So there must be a common language. A single foreign language so good to learn that there is no misunderstandings, every pilot gets there.
And as an international language you have just agreed in English. Because this is by chance also the language that is most used internationally and that most educated people are talking halfway smoothly from school anyway.
On the route from Stuttgart to Funchal they are no longer in Germany at the latest 15 min after the start. Then first about France, then about Spain…
because English as world language no. 1 is the language of technology, science, medicine, politics and diplomacy, economy, conference and negotiation, and also in aviation, air traffic and radio.
Do you think the sparks in every country have a different language?
well there are German pilots and probably also German pilots!?
And do you think there are only German pilots? Do you think the lotses ask for jo what do you speak German at the radio?
The radio language agreed worldwide in international air traffic is English; the English language is also standard for the German air traffic control.
Well, that is actually possible. If you have enough time to explain to the passenger the most important parameters and things in the cockpit, and if the aircraft is modern, then it is very possible. It does not have to be butter landing ^
True I can also drive in Formula 1 Simulator Formula 1 which, however, would drive in reality in the first curve against the wall…
simulators prove the opposite
It won’t happen. No person who has never sat in a cockpit and has flew an airplane will be able to land a 50 tons heavy passenger aircraft more or less successful. And if he can, he has flew a plane and knows he has to speak English.
and if e.g. the pilots are unconscious and a passenger is allowed to speak German
yes, yes to me that the VERY unlikely is