Wieso ist das so?

Hallo. Ich hatte heute Vormittag etwas Migräne.. Darauf habe ich auch direkt eine Paracetamol genommen. Soweit so gut. Die Migräne ist so gut wie weg aber irgendwann hab ich dann währenddessen plötzlich Übelkeit bekommen, welche leider immernoch anhält. Ist das ein Begleitsymptom?

Auf eine Antwort würde ich mich sehr freuen!

Liebe Grüße und bleibt alle gesund!!🍀🙏🏼

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7 months ago

The nausea is probably a sign of migraine and not of paracetamol.

You can drink a grained vegetable broth to you, and the salts can be refilled.

Unfortunately, migraine has many different accompanying phenomena. Try to drink enough and soothe your stomach, apply warm bottles and give your body rest.

I wish you a good improvement for you. You can also use a Paracetamol Suppositorium in the future, which acts over the intestine and does not strain a stomach.

8 months ago

Yes, nausea is a conciliation. Although it does not always have to occur, it is usually associated with a migraine.

In young years, I was also plagued by migraine. That’s where I looked the soul out of my body…

8 months ago

You better get into bed with migraine and darken the room. Bucket next to the bed.

That always helped me best.

8 months ago

Then we’ll be fine.

Some people have this very often.

8 months ago

I’ve always been a full day out of battle. The next day everything was okay.

Luckily I didn’t have it too often, once a month.