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If this is not a payback credit card, you can only pay indirectly with it (printing vouchers). The Payback card as such is No Card with payment function!
No, that was payment at the cashier with PayBack payment function, because you have an account number and you can earn points included.
Öfters also did it but did not work twice and that was with Payback.
Can I not recommend anyone to use this function as a safe source. Can be “peinous” if you have nothing but your phone.
However, the reason for the rejected payment may also be that you have items specified in your account and thus the actual account balance was no longer sufficient.
Payback offers an American Express credit card. The questioner obviously thinks this
Yeah, but that was excluded. There is actually a payback card with payment function without credit card addition. However, if a payment is rejected, the reasons can be manifold
No, I have a lot of money on it. It can’t be.
Your monthly credit card limit may be exhausted
We’re talking about an order online and not the payment process in the store at the checkout, right?
What was an error message? We can’t really know where the problem is.
No that was payment at the cashier with PayBack credit card.
So a purchase and no order. Such formulations then confuse. I already had the problem that my payback card did not go and then had to take the normal ec card. Can be located on the reader.
You should have made a vote.
You know him well?
Joahh. The vote will be taken every day.