Wieso hat mich die Polizei nicht aufgehalten?

Ich fuhr vor 1 Std. also bei dämmerung beim mc donalds nachhause. Ich fuhr am Parkplatz los auf dem weg heim. Da kam mir ein polizeiauto entgegen.

Auch schrittgeschwindigkeit. Ich fuhr aber ohne jeglicher beleuchtung ohne Helm ohne Katzenaugen etc. hatte airpods in den ohren und hatte mein mc donalds essen in der linken hand.

Ich dachte schon schei!e aber die sind einfach in Schrittgeschwindigkeit weitergefahren. Wieso? MÜSSEN die mich nicht sogar aufhalten?

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8 months ago

They just had another job. Pick up some intrusion tracks or calm down a resting disorder, bring an alki to the outburst cell, build up a traffic control center, record a witness statement…

That’s what the police’s day business is doing. If there’s no acute use at all, there’s always to be done. And to do this would be an absolute thing of impossibility if the police would stop 5x on their way to any order because of any minor offences and discuss 20 minutes and write protocol. That’s why you’re not usually obscured when you commit any minor offences in the presence of the police.

An obligation to intervene exists when there is an acute danger.

8 months ago

Thank you.

I have often experienced that the police simply ignore the drivers.

Perhaps (presumption) ecological traffic violations are not bad.

Could be that they didn’t even see you. (falling light and reflectors)

8 months ago
Reply to  dvdfan

Maybe you just wanted to say something about cyclists.

The police also accepts enough violations for drivers. What do you mean, how many car drivers with the phone go by the ears of police cars and stay intact because the police simply don’t have the time to stop them all…

8 months ago
Reply to  RedPanther

Not generally against cyclists, but against:

(excerpt from question)

Dawn – without any lighting – no cat eyes – Airpods in the ears – one hand occupied by luggage!

Yes, I wanted to say something about such cyclists. Just like to read and tap against drivers with mobile phone on the ear or text messages during the vehicle steering.

8 months ago

If you pose a danger to other road users, you’ll only stop.

8 months ago

No, I guess I didn’t want to. Lucky.


8 months ago

Go to the station + complain. Unharmed not to put you in handcuffs at least.