Wieso hat der syrische Moslem bei seiner Festnahme gelacht, kurz nachdem er einen 14 jährigen Jungen getötet hat? Was geht in solchen Köpfen nur vor?
Ein syrischer Moslem hat in Villach in der Innenstadt plötzlich wahllos auf Menschen eingestochen, darunter auch auf einen erst 14 jährigen Jungen, welcher leider verstorben ist.
Kurz bevor die Polizisten den Moslem gestellt haben, hat er gegrinst und schien glücklich zu sein. Wieso sind manche Menschen so Böse ?
Quelle :
Hier ist das Bild zu sehen wo er lacht und sich freut :
I guess because he thinks insanely to have done something right. Brainwashing, complete fading..
When a Muslim dies in jihad against unbelievers, he comes to 100% in paradise, without detour over Allah’s exam on the day of billing.
So he will have already been looking forward to paradise in his deed.
This is not an excuse, but an explanation:
After such an act, he is full of adrenaline that can make both aggressive and euphoric.
A little comfort remains….
No matter in which detention centre he is in, he will not have a nice time, provided that they do not permanently insulate. I can say that much.
They’re already knocking out his “believe.”
If then only the fight will remain
They’re already knocking out his “believe.”
If he is the only Muslim in prison, or as
No, but probably the only Muslim who made such a bad act out of religious intention. Even the sowing “normally believing” Muslims let him pay for it. Or do you think every Muslim is celebrating?
Have you heard demos how they are organized permament for Palestine? A demo as they are permanently organized when “they feel attacked” as at the time because of Macron’s statement? Some action like the actions that take place for Erdogan (10,000 Turkish Muslims roaring around in Cologne Erdogan Parolen).
You just hear “Brudaaah yani what I have to do with it”
I always ask myself “Brudaaaah what have you got to do with Palestine to Bosnian Muslims” “Brudaaaaah what have you got to do with German passport called Turks to do with Gaza” “Brudaaaaaaaah why you come from Afghanistan here when Germany is so bad and you insult German policemen on demos”
We don’t know because we’re both not in the Muslim community. I’ll take it
Unfortunately, there is no shouting from the Muslim community.
How do we know, probably because he was mentally ill?
What does that have to do with him being a Muslim?
Did he show the Tauhid finger to him with the gun?
But what does that have to do with it? Community expert.
A mental sick person, as I already wrote. Something like that can’t be explained.
Hope you’re not a cop. Someone who lives in a kindergarten world I don’t want to see in this function.
Islamism my dear. Islamism and if Islamism is a disease, then you can refer to this equation.
A person who does this must have a mental illness. Otherwise, man is not able to do so.
Something’s not really wired.
Unfortunately, the opposite is the case, and you think you don’t know the impression of an argument. : People are radicalized and commit crimes and whether more or less psychic exceptions are pre-feasing, pathologically relevant, or not has no meaning for the accommodating society. I drew attention to the structural knife force. Disease is the dominant apology and not obviously culture, because we can make the distinction, although the same socio-economic status can also be made between Ukrainians and Syrians, for example. You’re ridiculous.
No, whoever a member of the rival band does not necessarily have to be mentally ill. Didn’t say you said that now.
But whoever takes his car and drives into a crowd must be mentally ill. Whether an indebtedness arises due to this mental illness must be examined. It is also necessary to consider whether the person is more likely to be in prison or in order to take measures.
Who denies that such a person must be mentally ill; unfortunately has no idea.
Then every criminal in violence is ill, for example, in organised crime. This is not a serious position, but a compelling relativization that tries to cover the severity of a structural problem.
Knife violence is 7 times overrepresented by foreigners and is not yet ethnically differentiated. If the related Syrians, Afghans,etc. were determined. What, of course, is only a matter of name surveys, because they do not honestly inform the citizen, then we again have a number of them. It is about a structural problem and not that Germans sometimes do the same things.
He wanted to be killed and was happy to go to hell. Oh, no, that means paradise.
… a randomly passing other Syrian ended the attack, he hit the perpetrator by the car.
Only then came the police…
… so 27,500 Islamists in Germany are not a problem?
Almost 13,000-18,000 Turkish neonazis (grey wolves, also called bozkurts) also no topic for you, because a Syrian has helped once in a hit in Villach? Wow.
No one can look into the heads of extremists.
Well, that’s jihadists. They’re quite unhappy.
He was very successful in his eyes. Aren’t you happy about success?
The finger is symbol IS and the laughing sign of contempt
A wild man laughing at us. He has every reason to do it. We are ridiculous countries..