Wieso hat der Hinduistische Gott Shiva einen Dreizack obwohl er Vegetarier ist?

Der Hinduistische Gott Shiva hat einen Dreizack in einer seiner Hände und übrigens ist er in Leoparden oder Geparden Fell oder was auch immer gekleidet aber ist er kein Veganer oder so

? Sind Hinduisten nicht oft Vegetarier oder Veganer ?? und wenn man einen Dreizack bei sich trägt wofur ? Wenn man keine Tiere damit jagt wofür sonst ? Ubrigens der Leoparden Kleidung ist nicht sonderlich vegetarisch/vegan (was im hinduismus normal ist) also wieso verehrt man einen Mann der in Tierfell gekleidet ist und einen Dreizack trägt obwohl es angeblich so wichtig ist tierlieb zu sein ?

Seht selbst im Bild von Hinduistischen Gott Shiva

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2 years ago

Shiva stands for disintegration and grace. The leopard/pard probably had bad luck 🙂

The trident stands for the three main gods. The animal fur is proof that he survived an assassination – there were a cat and a snake involved. He’s blue because he drank the poison of the ancient sea – whatever it may be.

Read on Wikipedia.

2 years ago

Hello, the tiger fur or leopard fur, is a special treasure, in the Shiva Manas Puja, is sung that Shiva is decorated with special fur, or sits on it which are decorated with precious jewels and gems.

Shiva is the God of Yoga, the ancient yoga and meditation practiced people who meditated in Indian forests sat on tigers to turn away poisonous snakes and cobras.

They said the poisonous snakes and cobras don’t sneak on tigers.

Meditation and yoga was practiced in India in ascetic and seclusion, snakes and cobras were there a danger

2 years ago
Reply to  MikeLisi

Hello, the tiger fur or leopard fur, is a special treasure, in the Shiva Manas Puja, is sung that Shiva is decorated with special furs. or Shiva sits on it which are decorated with precious jewels and gems.

Shiva is the god of yoga, people long ago, who practiced yoga and meditation, sat on tigers to turn away poisonous snakes and cobras.

They said the poisonous snakes and cobras don’t sneak on tigers. It was applied to protect against pain

Meditation and yoga was practiced in India in ascetic and seclusion, snakes and cobras were a danger.

2 years ago

There is no uniform interpretation:

Since there is no uniform Hindu iconography, the interpretation of this representation can be very different.


The trident is the trishula:

The Trishula or Trishul (Sanskrit and Hindi install्रिशूल triśūla “Dreispeer, Dreizack”) is one of the most important and obvious attributes of the Hindu god Shiva.


And here too the interpretation is not clear:

In historically not or only poorly documented interpretations, the trident symbolizes the three main gods of Hinduism (Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu), which unite in the hand of Shivas, or the three original forces of creation, destruction and preservation connected with the gods.

In addition, the peaks are set to the three forces of Shiva: Wille (iccha), Knowledge/Wisdom (jnana) and Tatkraft (kriya) – see in this context the concept of trika developed in Kashmir.

From some, Shiva is also seen as a destroyer of three worlds – the physical world, the world of ancestors and the spiritual world.

In other esoteric or Ayurvedic interpretations, the trident refers to the three most important energy paths (Nadis or Chakras) in the human body (Sushumna, Ida and Pingala).

2 years ago
Reply to  Mayahuel

Nadis are not the same as Chakras!

2 years ago

Hindus do not eat cows. I dare to remember that the trident has nothing to do with killing e.g. animals

2 years ago
Reply to  Ash1nilj

I can’t really help you. I suppose but independent

2 years ago

With the hindu only cows are holy and must not be consumed; other animals are very well on the menu.

A trident has nothing to do with eating animals or not.

2 years ago

In Hinduism, meat is consumed very well, only not that of cows. However, there are also cults that strongly reject meat consumption.

There are extremists everywhere, including Hindus (which by the way are not “Hinduists”).

2 years ago

He did his training at Neptun.

2 years ago

Hindus are nich automatically vegan….

how would it be… yes, many animals in India are regarded as holy, but not of everyone and not of everything.

b it is ne fictional figure

c Poseidon also has trident, which does not hunt fish

Moreover, he is the God of death and resurrection as far as I had in mind.

and your Shiva I don’t know, I know 8-arm Shivas xD

2 years ago

Shiva first learned at Neptun. After the fish, he learned that with the trident, mangoes, papayas and melons can also be spit on.

Greeting, earnest

2 years ago

Why does Hindu God Shiva have a trident when he is vegetarian?

Shiva is not a vegetarian.

Otherwise, he would hardly wear a trident and animal fur.


2 years ago
Reply to  EinAlexander

Shiva is not a vegetarian.

Depends on who you ask.

And since followers of Shiva believe he is a vegetarian God, he and most other Varanasi accept follow a strict sattvic (“pure vegetarian”) diet.


2 years ago
Reply to  Mayahuel

Depends on who you ask.

Sure. And I called my definition:-)