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Wieso sind Lebensmittel mit Süßmolke manchmal Vegetarisch?
Hey ich hätte mal ne Frage! Ich bin Vegetarier und jeder andere Vegetarier weiß bestimmt auch, dass Süßmolke nicht vegetarisch ist. Es gibt nämlich eigentlich Süß- und Sauermolke, wovon Sauermolke Vegetarisch, und Süßmolke nicht Vegetarisch ist. Jetzt hatte ich letztens Tortelloni in der Hand wo Süßmolke hinten drauf stand, aber vorne das Vegetarion Union Logo…
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Hauptspeise: ravioli mit aubergine-käse-tomatenfüllung an butter und kräutern oder penne mit tomaten und burrata Dessert: Tiramisu oder schokokuchen mit kern und 1 kugel kokoseis
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Does not “every” – only antivegans and animal profit lobbyists…
I can live with this – as a convinced vegan – but well!
If you are seriously interested in the prejudices against veganism, I can give you these recommendations:
But respect – all prejudices against veganism are refuted there!
Some more quotes on anti-veganism:
Doe – and leave – according to what you like…
But please let vegans live!
You may – whatever you like from them, you’re underprivileged or otherwise feeling.
I’ve had to say much more that I hate a human being. Vegans don’t belong to it at all – they don’t do anything to anyone.
But everyone decides what’s important to him. Only then must everyone live with the consequences.
Yes, they are annoying penetrant. At least some.
Well, then you need to hate retailers, superiors, football professionals and all at all. In each group there are people who want to bother and explain the world.
I’ve never seen it with vegans. My suspicion is that people feel pissed off by vegans because they realize that some arguments of the vegans have their permission. I’m a meat eater.
ChaPeau – thank you!
My experience is another. I experience more people who leave out about how harmful a vegan malnutrition is, etc., than vice versa.
The normal people do not try to mission a penetrant, just like the hardcore vegans…
There were some years ago here on GF very penetrant vegan missionaries. I have caused a strong rejection.
Frequently, it is people who are themselves as moral superhumans who do not eat as pleasure, but merely as that View necessary feed of nutrients. Some are under-nourished and suffer from orthodoxy and/or magnificence.
Others try to feed vegan healthy and enjoyable and are happy with it, but do not understand that others would not be happy with this way of life because they love animal products too much.
In principle, the vegan diet, unlike vegetarian or pescetarian diet, is always a malnutrition for people who only then not leads to permanent health damage and death if you inform yourself and supplement vitamin B12. For children, adolescents, pregnant women, old and sick, vegan diet is not recommended!
I have about.12 years started to live vegan and I’m still doing great with it…I started to be vegetarian at 10 years and got deficiency symptoms (in the form of rash in the face) then I took some months supplements and I went well again.
As a human being susceptible to deficiency symptoms of any kind, I have nevertheless become vegan and have not taken any supplements (except vitamin B12) and I have never had symptoms of deficiency…
I don’t have a shock at the time for such discussions.
Even this formulation leads me to bite into a pillow…
It’s kind of boring to hear the same, but I’m gonna be so kind to his and answer it this time with a wise saying: “The greatest wisdom is to realize that you don’t know everything.”
God bless your greatness, your modesty and your boundless wisdom!
Absolutely I will always respect you as good people and call you my friend…Be smart and stretch you.
That sounds wonderful!
I’m so grateful you opened my eyes!
From now on, my life will be completely different!
God bless you!
Thank you I hope you will also get one that you can distinguish good people from bad people
You’re just hearty and superior morally to others!
You should be given a medal!
I am always happy to be careful not to hurt my fellow human beings or to hurt them. To insult or restrict🌱🌱🌱
Thank you.
Then calm down… I won’t stop you
The premise is wrong. I don’t hate vegans and I’m sure many other people don’t hate them all.
I think the reason why MANCHE Vegans do not arrive well is because this missioning manifests or argue too much with the raised index finger or from a supposedly superior position “from above”.
What antivegan hired people stand in nothing – here on GF you can do wonderful studies…;)
Should only serve the supplement!
Not everyone hates vegans!
But those who hate vegans do not let an opportunity to announce this in every forum and every opportunity. This can then give the impression…
Most of them just do their thing and contribute their part to a change.
Of course, a non-vegan often annoys the intrusive, improbable missioning behavior of some vegans – as a result it is sought for errors on both sides.
Confrontation with a truth is not always pleasant and never easy.
I find your question somewhat exaggerated, but I know what you mean, why I don’t want to be racist here:
People are not annoyed by vegans, but by their own misconduct. You can easily ignore this misconduct if nobody remembers it. However, the presence of a vegan makes this. To protect yourself, the vegans are unfairly attacked, humiliated & criticized.
It’s not like that. I know many friendly vegans who leave me alone when I eat a burger in their presence and explain their attitude well, but also only when you ask. You’re not quite wrong either.
There will be only the walking asses who want a swing to become vegans.
Or at least try to talk to you a bad thing.
At least the annoying. Is there any vegans who want to invade their way of life?
The vegans who don’t bother me are okay.
“Man” doesn’t hate her. Only some people are annoyed when some(!!) Vegan dietary habits explain to the main discussion topic…. and always try to interfere in the eating habits of others.
It doesn’t affect everyone. Not on all vegans, nor on all vegetarians/pescetariers, omnivores.
Not all vegans are evil. Many live their lives and let your life live. And the couple chasing you want to convert you just have to ignore.
Well, maybe hate a little hard, but they’re annoying. There’s nothing going to change no matter how bad they are. It only provides for drastic reactions
Look here:
Finding on the Youtube channel of “The Art Comrade” – very factual and insulting explained…;)
But boring and….. annoying 😅 Hav tipped through and don’t even think out halfway. D
I can eat what they want, but they shouldn’t bother with it.
I didn’t mean that the ones with the fact that they don’t eat meat are annoying, but that they’re trying to put others in their champagne.
Because people like to generalize and put everything in a hat
I don’t hate vegans, why….I don’t care how other people feed.
I am not a vegan myself, but your question includes a statement that is not true. Not everyone hates vegans. LG
No one hates vegans in themselves, but only those who think they have to mission and want to tell others how bad and “bad” their diet is.
This is what anti-veganers do in other ways – and this is not too close!
Sure, everyone who is convinced of what is more or less.
Vegans are not hated. You will destined.
Most of them are vegans (as a grouping) really don’t give a shit.
Most vegans, especially in forums, are between 13 and 23 years old and mostly populate big cities.
There is therefore a very high student share and usually large natural distance.
Their alleged “knowledge” is exclusively fed from veganist drumsites. I have never experienced a vegan who has been in charge of serious animal welfare (e.g. agriculture ministries).
Veganism is completely learning-resistant and only works with feelings and uralt stallions. Never with FACTS.
Laien is constantly picking up the parole that the farmer goes into the stables daily for animal torment with the billet. Or that the farm animals suffer “fearable” under normal legal German animal husbandry. Or that the villages are shaking about their “tried calves” before crying for longing.
Furthermore, health fairies are constantly posaunted – that meat produces cancer and eggs block the veins and milk is a fatal fluid and all animal products make diabetes: the most stupid mood making.
People who represent reason opinions are exposed to vegans for days in forums, so specialist people decide to silence to avoid being killed before a loud shooting.
Do you have some clichés in stock? It’s so entertaining what you have to say!
There is no rational reason for veganism
I don’t. Not everyone.
That’s not true.
I like vegans! There’s more scavengers for me!
Don’t worry about it.
“My carvings” from Kohlrabi, celery, cauliflower or Portobello, crispy panned, with my juicy potato salad – would I know to defend up to the “blood”!
It was also ironic! 😉 Was absolutely nothing against vegans. I have severely restricted my consumption of meat in recent years. Only I have little understanding of it when you try to feed children purely vegan.
That’s probably because you weren’t ready to deal with it – unbiased -…
Countless vegan living children grow up healthy and cheerful – they punish your prejudice lies!
Bullshit! It doesn’t hate any vegan!
Who’s everyone?
Because they’re eating my food!
On hay, silage – as well as genmanipulated maize and soy from the rainforest, vegans are less…;)
Meat 4 Life!
Eat nice animals to die for my pleasure.
Because I can!
Strong “Argument” – further so…;);)
That’s nice.
Then I’ll eat the animals for them!
I’ve got such a nice spice salami in the refrigerator.
I eat like that without bread.
Vegans can be different!
Leave life and life
Isn’t that a contradiction?