Wieso haben viele so ein problem damit, ihre Sparrate zu erhöhen?
Gerne auch Persönliche Antworten wieso DU nicht einfach mehr verdienen willst?
Gerne auch Persönliche Antworten wieso DU nicht einfach mehr verdienen willst?
Hallo Ich versuche es so genau wie möglich zu erklären. ich bin w/21/verheiratet seit 2 Jahren lebe ich in einer Wohnung mit meinem Mann. Ich habe meine EBA Ausbildung in einer Parfümerie beendet und habe an 3 Verschiedene Firmen gearbeitet mal 60%/100%80%. Ich war immer sehr unglücklich demotiviert und der Verkauf hat mir keinen Spass…
Bitte um einfache Wege! Und bitte konkret mit Anleitung!!!
Haette ich 25.000 EUR im Januar 2021 investiert, haette ich heute 321.000 EUR?
Guten Tag, ich habe einen Bachelor im Business Management. Bin an meinem Master dran in Business Administration und habe noch nebenbei ein Zertifikat Führungskraft (IHK) gemacht. sobald ich mit meinem Master fertig bin, was könnt ihr mir empfehlen als Nächstes anzugehen? Einem Doktor in Wirtschaft sehe ich als „unnötig“ und das will ich ungern machen,…
Die Debatte rund ums Arbeiten & der Generation Z ist präsenter wie noch nie. Die eine Seite (oft jüngere) ist der Meinung, arbeiten lohnt sich aktuell nicht mehr oder nicht genug. Für die andere Seite (oft ältere), ist arbeiten die Lösung für alles & lohnt sich nach wie vor. Wie ist eure Meinung zu diesem…
Ich habe oft den Satz gehört, dass man nach dem Germanistik Studium als Taxifahrer endet. Gibt es wirklich so wenig Auswahl? Denn eigentlich interessiere ich mich für den Studiengang Vielleicht gibt es hier Leute die Germanistik studiert haben. Erzählt gerne was ihr beruflich macht, ich brauche Inspiration 😅 Ich möchte nicht als Lehrer arbeiten, nicht…
One has nothing to do with the other.
The salaries are relatively low in Germany, the taxes are enormously high and it is not usual to build assets. You leave the state.
Of course. Who deserves more can save more and invest meaningfully.
I’m sorry. And often the whining is great…
In Germany, however, the majority does not earn “more.” This is how Germany works. Low wages at fairly low cost of living have long been the success model of your economy.
Don’t worry about a big mistake!
In Germany (as employees) in your net wage Health insurance, pension insurance, unemployment insurance and nursing insurance also include a pre-calculation of the tax claim. These are expenses that have to be paid “from net” in other countries.
This makes net income and comparability of tax/deduct burden very difficult.
Don’t do it. This is similar or exactly the same in comparable European countries, but the burden of duty is lower there (except in Belgium).
As I said, the DIscussion is no use. Germans stand extremely on a lot of state and pay.
I have already brought the European comparison with Switzerland and France……some things are simply “just hard to compare” and if you take the asparagus tip out, everything else is worse!
I’m talking about a European comparison, please go away with the USA, dear.
You always talk about it nicely, how great it is to pay less taxes and levies in other countries without looking at what “states and social benefits” are facing it.
For example, when I discuss with my US American relationship, they often believe it to me only for demand from my (local) sister, which is covered with us via taxes and levies, of which they dream only…. After studying, you are standing in the chalk with a minimum of $150,000 because there is no free study and another relative could not be a dentist because he had no insurance cover as a branch manager of a bank.
You’re always talking about how great it is to squeeze 50% of its coal directly to the state.
The same is not exactly the same for a long time!
For example, in Switzerland there is no dental treatment in health insurance and in France you pay your taxes annually.
Also, there are often no “mother pension” or free study etc. This makes the number consciousness only comparable to a limited extent….
Oh, no… I’ve been falling in for the third time. I’m really blond right now. Thank you.
Exactly.In his world, all the bosses Porsche are driving and he is supposed to have 18 already a fortune in the 6 digit range, although he has only one main school degree.
Ahja… is that who is supposed to invest everywhere in the world and then poses stupid emigration questions that can only come from a student who has never done anything?
Do you even know what the definition Troll is?
Yeah, that’s right.
The type is a troll and has been known since several accounts
I have not been able to increase my savings rate for 12 years and I will and will not want to make it in the future.
Nevertheless, I am very pleased that I can take away or invest around €2,200 to €2,600 each month and that for 12 years. Before that, I could only cover my costs for a few years. Fortunately, I never have to attack my savings.
An increase is no longer possible, because my revenue only rises moderately and the costs also rise moderately, so the savings rate remains almost always the same. This will not change in the next 20 to 30 years in which I live, because my revenues are always higher than my expenses, so I no longer need my savings, but I will inherit them to my children. For years have begun to transfer superfluous assets to my children and will continue to do so.
I also don’t see any additional efforts to increase my savings rate, because I don’t have anything.
I don’t want to raise my savings. I’m saving a lot and I don’t have to worry about my upcoming retirement. Don’t pardon as long as I don’t have to pay a nursing home.
But it also comes that I can afford to save myself, while millions of people are just enough to live without big things being put aside.
Don’t worry about old age and that despite employee/legal pension? How did you do that?
I don’t need 5,000 a month to live well. I have always been more economical and modest, and what I need for good life, I can do well with my future pension, my pension and my savings.
He went to work and went through his training.
This means he’s got old age poverty. You just get out when you invest halfway well like eTFs
Because they are not as great self-employed as you are,but only employees or officials caught in their hamster wheel.
As an employee, it is also very laborious to increase income, that is true.
I don’t want to raise my savings, but have something from the money and experience something about it.
I have everything I would like, I buy everything I need (and also a lot I don’t need). Nevertheless, more than 1/3 of my income remains today. The money that remains is meaningless and has no benefit or purpose.
So what more? So there’s more left? To increase the numbers in the account or in the depot? What brings me that? It’s pointless.
As an employee, they can then retire as an example. Most hate their job eh, 10-15 years earlier, most definitely liked away.
Unfortunately, we cannot be all such successful, living at Mutti, traders as you.
You don’t have to.
Other people just have to get up for their livelihood, who do not get the cocoa to the PC from Mutti
I can’t. These times are over. I’ve been paying everything myself for a long time and I’ve been involved in electricity/heating.
Better than most with 18 🤷🏽 ♂️
Why in the world should I save more?
Life is there for enjoyment and not to get out on the devil.
Do you need more money from your client to get it out so you can afford a car?
Yeah, I need more foreign capital. If I’m still missing 3%, I’ll get 160k… I won’t do anything. Otherwise the account would be gone. I can afford a car too, I got 60k on the side. I just scal because it’s time now.
…and that of the user “Trading Junkie”!
…a badger thinks about it!
What are you going to do?
To the intensification of your question!
BTW: Daytrading does not generate capital; Daytrading takes away capital from others!
You’re gonna be able to prove the accusation?
Oh, you can’t. Then why do you keep saying it? I hate course vendors and snowball systems much more than you, I think.
Your intention is crystal clear, you need new players in your game!
The others are gone after you pulled them off.
So I don’t want to, I’m doing calculated.
This has nothing to do with the entrepreneur still exploiting the employees 😂
So, what do you think is the intention of my question? I’d be interested in burning.
Answer me. You seem not.
The entrepreneur will generally generate a product or service that is needed and paid on the market.
The Daytrader bets on market changes and doesn’t need a co-weather who believes the opposite!
Nothing is produced and no service is generated, it is only cubed….
What do you think is the intention of my question? I’d be interested in burning.
The statement contradicts. But of course, the good 5% take it away from the 95 losers. That’s it. It’s not different for companies. The 5% of entrepreneurs exploit the 95% workers. 🤷🏽