Why do so many people have Snapchat?
There have already been deaths due to Snapchat, as users' locations can be tracked even if the "location" feature is deactivated. Snapchat is a hotbed of pedophiles who demand nude photos of children.
So I naturally ask myself: Why does this app still exist and why do they have so many?
I also don’t understand why so many Snapchat have…..my parents forbid me Snapchat and that’s what I’m looking for because I don’t want this app.
I think Snapchat should be banned! Who also clicks on helpful
Just as many TikTok and Co. have. The other day I read that the app should be banned.
I hope
I can also be tracked without such an app.
Snapchat is actually, like many others, an app that should be used for fun. It was a cool feature to watch pictures for a short time. It was absolutely clear that this app was also sexualized. Naked women as far as the eye is concerned, Kiddied who want to sell and beg attention, young people who send their historical parts to each other as it is important to compare themselves and more. I had this app for funny pictures several years ago, but it was also fast down from the phone.
Every app is dangerous and it’s not the fault of the app that’s happening.
The app doesn’t blame these deaths. Otherwise you’d have to forbid the whole internet.
But through the app, a fraudster has tracked and murdered a girl
That’s not the app.
No, paedophiles are only available on Snapchat – nowhere else… 🙄 *ironieaus*
Yeah, right, but are there so many paedophiles? (Sorry, I don’t know, I don’t have all these apps)
Certainly. You can even do that through the Internet…
Can you trace other people through Insta and Tiktok?
Because the app is not more dangerous than others.
Nothing, I just wonder why so many Snapchat use
Who forces you to use that?
No, it’s not the app, but it’s still dangerous if you can track others through the app