Why do some alkalis/bases also have a corrosive effect (attacking materials), something we otherwise only know from acids?

"The corrosive effect of alkalis is much more dangerous to humans than that of acids, because human skin itself contains an acid and is therefore more accustomed to acids. Even a splash of diluted caustic soda in the eye can cause blindness. Alkalis feel soapy and taste bitter."

Source: https://www.seilnacht.com/Lexikon/Laugen.htm#:~:text=The%20%C3%A4tzende%20Effectiveness%20der%20Laugen,Auge%20can%20zu r%20blindness%20f%C3%BChren.&text=lye%20f%C3%BChlen%20be%20soapy%20an%2C%20the%20taste%20is%20bitter.

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1 year ago

It is a widespread error that only acids have corrosive action.

In fact, some alkalis in their corrosive action are as strong as some acids.

And in their effect on the human body, alkali etching is sometimes even worse and more long than that of acids.

1 year ago

Lucks can do this depending on the strength. In human skin, they are even much worse than acids. Acids adhere the cell material in particular to the proteins, so that the acid can then separate itself from the healthy tissue and cannot penetrate further into the depth.

Lucks liquefie the tissues because they dissolve the cell wall (colliquation necrosis) . If a lye comes to the skin, then it keeps getting deep. It doesn’t stop until the material is consumed.

In both, of course, the respective strength and quantity decides about the damage.