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5 months ago

I’ll charge my phone from 30 to 80 percent. Why did I get more cycles?

Because you can also have reached a full unloading charging cycle at the moment.

Charge the cell phone in succession 50% is also taken together 100% and thus a charging cycle.

5 months ago
Reply to  Tryhard1234

I don’t quite understand what you want with the comment. 🤔

You can “from what – to what” recharge as always you want. – But your battery will not have less charging cycles magically.

Whenever the load in total 100%, then your battery is more aged by a complete charging cycle.


Today your battery is down to 30%. → You charge it up to 80% → thus gives 50% charge you have given in today and thus a “half charging cycle”.

If you do this again tomorrow, you will have a new, complete charging cycle tomorrow (today 50% + 50%).

So I can charge from 30 to 79 percent

If you charge the battery from 30% to 79% as in your comment, then you just gave 49% charge.

If you leave it in the same way tomorrow (now 49% + tomorrow 49%) = 98%

And overmorning After 2% you charge the next time the 100% full (49+49+2 = 100) and the battery is again aged by a charging cycle.