Wieso hab ich ständig Heißhunger?

Ich habe seit paar Wochen so extremen Heißhunger auf Pizza, Burger, Torte, Süßes (Schokolade).

Ich habe keine Ahnung wieso, weil ich bin nicht schwanger und bin gesund.


Bitte, ich muss wissen was mit mir falsch ist. Ich hab das Leuten erzählt und die meinten ich könnte schwanger sein, aber bin ich zu 100% nicht, ich bin Jungfrau.

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3 months ago

Scents on pizza

  • Salt: A desire for salty foods such as pizza can indicate a sodium deficiency.
  • Fats: Pizza often contains a lot of cheese and oil, which could indicate a need for healthy fats.

Hunting on cake

  • Sugar: A strong desire for sweet foods such as cake can indicate a low blood sugar level.
  • Magnesium: cravings for sweetness can also indicate a magnesium deficiency.

General tips

  • Balanced nutrition: A balanced diet with sufficient proteins, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates can help reduce craving attacks.
  • Regular meals: Regular meals help to keep blood sugar levels stable and avoid cravings2.
  • Hydration: Sufficient water can also help reduce cravings

In addition, it can be natural that you have too little weight.

I would fill up my nutrients with good nutritional supplements and adjust my diet – then you also have less cravings.

3 months ago

because you lack sunlight in the dark season and your body wants to eat more

3 months ago

Maybe a growth phase or a hormone change. Hunger attacks can have many causes such as: undersugar, dehydration, drug use, increased energy consumption by more movement.

3 months ago
Reply to  ScrappyFlappy

Also underweight.