Wieso grüßen einen soviele ältere nicht mehr zurück?
Hallo, ich grüße im Vorbeigehen oder sonstwo immer bei Blickkontakt die älteren Menschen.Aber es ist so das 60% garnicht antworten und sich einfach wieder umdrehen, deshalb grüße ich auch inzwischen weniger weil das halt immer unangenehm ist wenn die nicht antworten. Aber wieso ist dass so, das soviele nicht antworten?
I’m often on the balcony in the summer. I’m also greeted by strangers.
Sometimes I am so amazed that he is already over before I have greeted back.
This could also be the case for some people on the street.
The youth does not know how fast it is, how hard it moves, how hastily it moves.
Don’t be evil, your kind, young people. Manch elder is pleased in the aftermath that he was greeted and
was just too slow to react. 😔
Thank you:)
Thank you for the little one. I was really happy about that. ☺️
This not only affects older people. Not everyone wants to greet every strange person on the street etc. It’s just that.
I also went past a bus stop (because I had a record 😣) and there even a few young people greeted me back … more likely expected a stupid/genervten look but that was then a positive surprise 😀
Yeah, people are different. You have to respect that. There are elderly who greet or not and the same applies to younger people.
You have to ask the people who don’t pay back. Maybe they’re just somewhere else with their thoughts and don’t really take it true that you greeted them. Or because they don’t know you.
In the city there is no one who also avoids eye contact. In the country everyone was greeted earlier, nowadays it is becoming more and more noble. On the one hand, this is an educational thing, on the other hand, people just look at the phone or have a bump in the ear.
Those who still have steadfastness and courtesy look in the eyes of the other and only glorify when the view is answered. If the other looks repellent, then the chance is also great that is not refreshed. Despite everything, I’m always happy when I get greeted first.
Yes some always greet me back, so I am very happy:)
Who knows what he knows about me or don’t hear you are skeptical… I think it is also true that these are very rarely addressed and perhaps only surprised. ☺️
Personally, although I always greet you back, I must also say that a bit of scepticism often comes along because I do not expect to be greeted in today’s society. So the thought is now a joke or something or some challenge? However, I dismiss the thought quickly because it is quite stupid and just greet it back.
Always me. Except the seniles. My father says the opposite. Nowadays, the young people hardly greet first. Even on lonely, because when you go out with the dog.
in the company I greet every garbage can. If I get out, too. Sometimes even twice. Don’t answer, I’m gonna say hello. How to dress up from fitness center😂
I also wanted to do that… but then I felt that it was a very important GUTEN MORGEN M’LADY decided and next morning I was greeted back at once 😁
I don’t know – I’m sorry if this happens to you!:(
I am older and always greet back – I greet myself mostly – older ones – and they greet either back or they greet me before.
Unfortunately, I cannot understand your experience.
Some people just don’t want to be greeted by strangers, so that’s how
😂😂😂 what an argument . But they also take civil money from foreign people, right?
cause is not greeting anything wrong at all when greeting a strange type comes
Well, not only older people don’t greet back, gives enough young people who don’t do that either.
I know how I was educated
Unfortunately, not only elderly people are concerned
It is simply not used to be greeted by strangers on the street. That’s why it’s weird.
So I grew up with that which is polite:)
Perhaps many have forgotten that they wanted to greet again🤪 Could be