Wieso gibt es nicht ein System wo man seine Rentenbeiträge an andere verkaufen kann?
Wer geld braucht soll zb seine rentenpunkte an eine andere person verkaufen können.
Wieso erschaffen wir nicht so ein System?
Käufer und Verkäufer gehen gemeinsam zur Deutschen Rentenversicherung. Dort unterschreiben sie einen kaufvertrag und ein entgeltpunkt wird dann käufer sein rentenkonto gutgeschrieben. Käufer bezahlt im gegenzug an verkäufer einen hohen betrag den sie untereinander ausgemacht haben.
It is the precaution of the insured person.
There is compulsory insurance so that you can NOT increase this precaution.
Otherwise, you could leave the retirement provision to each individual.
Only who is to finance them without sufficient precaution?
Or do they shoot at age/sickness?
In addition, you always plead for less bureaucracy. Then why should the RV regulate private things?
you just have to divorce, then you can give the pension points for free
Because then the seller would stand there at the age without a pension and would have to cash benefits from the state.
No one has to starve in Germany.
What’s that supposed to do?
you know what would be better, just the tax (and the Germans pay a lot) not for useless stuff and matters that don’t matter to us
but give money to the poor, pensioners, small businesses and workers.
And after that, the taxpayer will remove the seller when he has rejoiced his yield?
It is not in vain that decades ago (at the beginning of the 1950s) have been abolished to reimburse their pension contributions.
Great. And the seller will then ask for social assistance later?
who has sold no entitlement to social assistance
Even a lottery millionaire, which has lost its millions within a few years, is entitled to transfers such as citizens’ or social benefits in the case of the case – in the case of middlelessness.
No, luck, because he lives in DE in a social state.
then he’s pitiful