Why are there no proper flags and coats of arms for some French regions on the German Wikipedia?
For example, I noticed when looking at the French regions on German Wikipedia that, especially in the north of France (apart from the French regions of Normandy, Brittany and Bourgogne-Franche-Comtè), there are no flags or coats of arms shown for five French regions each: Hauts-de-France, Grand Est, Île-de-France, Centre-Val de Loire and Pays de la Loire.
Why does the German Wikipedia not show flags or coats of arms for the five French regions mentioned?
The other French regions have always had flags and coats of arms (even though some French regions were created on January 1, 2016 through the merger of the previous regions), so it cannot only be related to the merger of some regions (on January 1, 2016) why some French regions have flags and coats of arms and others do not.
PS: Please no troll or joke posts!
You probably mean German Wikipedia. There is much missing, the articles are much less extensive and there are also many articles not at all.
Apparently this is because there are too few German-speaking users who maintain Wikipedia. In English Wikipedia you will find more extensive articles.
Of course.
Is it seemingly that some articles on Wikipedia are not completely complete or always lack anything?