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4 years ago

Because the federal police don’t have domestic law. This is the sole responsibility of DB Sicherheits employees. Example 1: A 17 year old smokes a joint in the station. The federal police see this and talk to him. Human resources are recorded and a search takes place. After that, unauthorized things are confiscated and fed to the 17 year-old parents. He’s looking at the BAHNHOF.

Example 2: Same situation. Staff of DB Security see it and talk to him. They call the federal police to search and display. The process from the time is the same as in Example 1. DB Security gives him a ban on the house, so he can’t enter the station anymore. If yes= house peace break.

In other words, DB Security respects compliance with the home order and respects violations. Then there are consequences.

This way you might understand the task of DB Security better.

5 years ago

Because the police cannot do all the work and every company has a certain interest in ensuring security. A group such as Lufthansa or Daimler or BMW also have its own group security department. It’s called factory protection. Because when the police have to be called, the child is already in the well.

5 years ago

The DB employees implement house law and show presence, control in trains and on the premises. Things that the federal police cannot carry out due to their tasks and may not take part.

5 years ago

They have different tasks

police: illegal immigration, drug smuggling, etc

db Security: don’t look at that, etc.