Wieso genau Motorräder?
Meine Frage ist, warum jeder bei motorrädern komplett austickt, da es ja so gefährlich ist, obwohl bei anderen Sportarten genauso oft etwas passiert? Mein Vater ist chirurg und hat ständig Unfälle bei sich in der Klinik. Sogar er behauptet, dass im Winter mindestens genauso viele aufgrund von Skifahr Unfällen oder Rodelunfällen im Krankenhaus liegen wie im Sommer Motorradfahrer. Und die Verletzungen sind identisch. Wieso wird motorradfahren also als etwas so schlimmes dargestellt, Skifahren und rodeln aber so toll und super?
(Gibt natürlich noch weitaus mehr gefährliche Sportarten, das sind aber die, die er mir als Bsp. genannt hat)
I would say the statistics are clear…. 542 to … 15. motorcyclists would be much more dangerous than skiers.
So I don’t know what statistics you have, but in 2023 there were 4k accidents and of which “only” 60 died
https://www.baden-wuerttemberg.de/en/service/press/press release/pid/balance-of-motor cycle season-2023-1
statistics mean? jup….. for bawü. not quite Germany.
And how many months are motorcyclists on the go, and how many days are skiers on the go?
I don’t think so much is there. most motorcyclists are april – oktober on the go. ski season usually starts september/oktober and then lasts until ostern.
in principle both about 6 months.
70,000 accidents skiers. 30,000 motorcycles. Half as many accidents more than 8x so many dead.
In no relation is there skiing more dangerous
You always have to see the relation, so it remains the same before Allendingen also the length of the route
18 million who have the licence, 9 million skiers. So something twice as many. the accident numbers are not only twice as high but more than 8x so high.
And how many accidents? You must also consider this, and also how many people ski
I don’t go skiing. aussage comes from google. I assume that it means the alps. depending on the height there is also the time snow.
but even if you are skiing 1-2 months less now… it’s nix for accident statistics. motorcyclists are still significantly higher
Then show me places where you can ski in September? And today the motorcycle season goes pure from March to November
Oh, my mistake. Sry