Wieso fühle ich mich so unattraktiv (schwanger)?
Hi 🙋🏻♀️ ich bin nun im vierten Monat schwanger und fühle mich mit meinem Körper sehr Unwohl.
Ich bin etwa 1,67m gross und wog zu Beginn der Schwangerschaft 64kg. Jetzt wiege ich 68 kg und aufgrund von Wassereinlagerungen sehe ich ziemlich rundlich aus im Gesicht. Alle merken es und finden es schön. Ich finde es eher unschön und ehrlich gesagt habe ich das Gefühl dass meine Nase größer geworden ist.
das ist erst der Anfang weshalb ich mir umso mehr Sorgen mache. Ich bin ein sehr starker Kritiker vorallem wenn es um Mich selbst geht. Ich denke drüber nach zu trainieren aber denke nicht dass das so viel bringen wird.
wem ging es genauso ? Wird es besser und meint ihr dass ich nach der Schwangerschaft wieder normal aussehe
Relax. There will be about 10 to 15 kg in addition, some even take 30 kg.
After pregnancy, a lot is gone again.
It’s just that.
You’re pregnant. It’s not about appearance, it’s about health. That’s not a lasting change, that’ll go away. If you want to train your baby body away later, it’ll be dangerous. Please be aware of what it is about.
No matter how uneasy you feel, remember who you do this and it’s worth it! 🥹
Try to continue to eat normal and healthy – as well as before your pregnancy and against the water retention actually helps less salt in food and really drink VIEL + regular movement!
Honestly, I wasn’t. I always felt very feminine and attractive in both pregnancy.
Certainly, this one or the other kilo will come to it, but at least with me it was so that I had most of the time down relatively quickly, also through silence.
Sports is always good, but especially if you haven’t done anything before pregnancy, you should be careful. Yoga and swimming are the classics.
Water retention in the face is rather unusual. What does your gyn say?
I have an appointment to talk about it soon. I really don’t look normal anymore. It’s like I’ve got 10kg more on it when I look at my face.
I think you’re more likely to have a body schema disorder, so a disorder of perception.
Women take hold in the rule in pregnancy, by various circumstances, that is normal. You don’t have to do too much in pregnancy. In you, a child grows up, which even brings space and weight, with normal water retention and the nutrient supply of the child. I’m sure there’s a lot of Kilos in the end. Being pregnant has nothing to do with Top Model figure.
I hear nose growth for the first time. I’m certainly not an expert on this subject, but that would be new to me. I think you’re just looking at every little thing because you don’t feel comfortable.
True training should take you off for after pregnancy, does not bring you anything and for the child it can also be harmful. You can still do that.
Your body, like before pregnancy, is not back, at least I have heard several times of women who are a post-baby body just something different than before. However, the then also created a life for 9 months and born that after such a performance a body is no longer “Fabrikneu”, I do not find it surprising and is nothing bad.
Why don’t you look like “normal”? Your body changes enormously. You don’t have to be against yourself!
I loved my body – my belly – when I was pregnant! It doesn’t help you to fight it. Acceptance is much more pleasant! You’ll be pregnant for nine months. Enjoy it with everything else!