Wieso fragt er wie ich hinfahre zum ersten mal?
bin heute auf eine Verlobung, hab mich schick angezogen mit Absätzen und auch meine Haare sind auffällig aber die mache oft so nur halt diesmal auffälliger lockig
hab meinem Freund ein Bild gesendet. Er meinte es sieht gut aus. Dann rief er nochmal zurück und fragte wie ich hinfahre
sowas fragte er nie
he wanted to know if you took the train, or if the air is clean and he can take it to not appear for engagement
He just was nice and wanted to know if you were doing so well, you could come along well without having to hit you by bus and train.
Not behind everything is a strange, presumptuous or ominous intention.
Why does he want to know
what shall he do?
Nothing. What’s wrong with you? He just wondered how you don’t think you’re going to dive in the dress through the Gulli to the engagement location.
Just like that.
Just like you say hello when you meet someone.
But why does he ask
You look hot and you don’t want to run around alone. Jealousy? Financial considerations? Yeah, that’s it. He prefers economical women who drive Öffis.
What does he want?
Nothing. What do you want?
Howos asks him
Maybe he just wants to know if to get you or then take a taxi or train because he doesn’t want to drive you home what happens to you who you drink too much
We don’t know
Maybe he just wanted to know if he could drink something. 👍😎
what? He doesn’t go
He’s a little worried about his pretty girlfriend.
Men are always worried when their pretty girlfriend is on her own.
What do you mean?
Maybe he’s a bit jealous or suspicious.
What does it have to do with it
Ask him, then you know.