Wieso fliegen Flugzeuge mit leeren Plätzen?
Wäre es nicht besser weniger Flüge anzubieten und dafür die Flugzeuge voller zu machen oder am besten noch mit großen Maschinen fliegen aber dafür nicht so oft
Wäre es nicht besser weniger Flüge anzubieten und dafür die Flugzeuge voller zu machen oder am besten noch mit großen Maschinen fliegen aber dafür nicht so oft
Hallo. Wenn die ATIS sagt “LOW visibility Procedures in use, CAT II and III available”, darf ich dann, ohne das irgendeinem Lotsen mitzuteilen, eine CAT III Autoland fliegen? Muss ich evtl. wenn ich beim Tower reinrufe mich mit “CAT III ILS Runway 25R” melden? Und: Wenn CAT III available ist, wieso sollte man dann einen…
Was kann ich mit 52 tausend Meilen machen? Mein Miles und More Konto sieht so aus: 52. 000 -M- Prämienmeilen und 20.500 Statusmeilen. Ich habe es innerhalb von drei Monaten befüllt. Wo kann ich dahin fliegen? Business?
Hallo wie läuft das ab wenn Piloten bei der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr sind bei einem Einsatz müssen die ja da sein. Also die dürfen die Arbeit unterbrechen. Aber wie läuft das beim Piloten? Wenn ihr zum Beispiel am Fliegen ist muss er dann not landen
hey 🙂 does anyone know a kind of user manual for a boeing where all the buttons or systems are explained (in german of course) ? thanks, lg
We had two flights that were extremely empty. Above all, the flight attendant himself said: “Today you can find out your places.” I suspect that the planners are already very striving to plan the routes and flight times as much as possible, that flights are as busy as possible. Because a plane on the ground or even without flights without passengers costs money.
But you can’t always plan it perfectly and it can also be a flight whose destination wasn’t so in demand this day. Besides, a plane can’t stay there forever at the airport because any other planes might come and you need this plane at another airport to comply with the plan. Evtl. hardly flies from Düsseldorf, but for the route from Madrid to e.g. Frankfurt is again a big demand. But the jet has to be flown until there are only a few passengers. Most of the flights were where I was, but almost or completely filled.
Of course, it would be better if the plane were full, especially for the airline to make more profit.
But you can’t control it.
They have to offer certain connections in low season, otherwise they lose the air traffic controller and may not use it in the high season where the aircraft is full.
Moreover, if they would always cancel all flights that are not fully asugelasted, they would have very quickly many angry customers. Because they may have dates and want to travel on the booked day. Flying too rarely costs customers, if the next return flight only goes in 4 weeks, but they only have 2 weeks vacation, then another destination is chosen and the return flight also loses demand.
Some flights are also used simply to get the plane from A to B, where it is needed next and to make an optimal profit. Let’s say a plane flies from Dubai to Frankfurt, from Frankfurt to New York and from New York to Frankfurt. Dubai-FRA and New York-FRA are quite fully booked, then if necessary the flight from FRA to New York does not have to take place so that the last one is possible at all.
You want to fly when you want or need to get to the destination and not at some point when the machine is full. The flight plan should be that there is enough choice.
But of course, every airline tries to choose the right aircraft for each route – so there are fewer and less large machines like the A380 because it is only on the least routes.
And of course, depending on the destination, the frequency of flights is also adjusted, but still there are always days when the machine is full or less full.
And it is even so that the machines are often deliberately overbooked because one calculates with a statistical factor that a certain percentage does not fly to guests despite booking – with the risk that guests can not be taken if everyone is there. So that’s all very limity anyway.
Flight in scheduled traffic must primarily be available on time and reliably after a predetermined flight plan. In such flights it is therefore not possible (always) to keep the aircraft fully loaded.
If the individual flights are booked regularly, you will lose paying passengers in the future. From this point of view, one or the other only very sparsely occupied machine is also accepted for the extreme need.
The plane is needed at the airport and the airlines have to offer flights to keep their slots at the airport. And a flight with empty places can still be profitable if travelers are, for example, business travelers who pay high prices.
Since each aircraft can buy and operate, it is not controllable.
Except in communism… and there it never worked…
Have you ever noticed that you got into a bus and the bus driver didn’t leave because the bus wasn’t full yet?
You know what?
How do you imagine a flight if it’s not fully booked, just canceled? That’s bullshit.
because they have to comply with the flight plan.
I also had a flight from Fra after the next flight the machine was plumping