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yedi kodex Episode III?
Mir wurde das geschickt… was bedeutet das in Bezug auf episode 3?
Wie kann ich meine Eltern überreden einen bestimmten Film anschauen?
Hallo, ich bin 13 fast 14 Jahre alt und Ich möchte unbedingt einen Film anschauen, den ich super spannend finde, aber mein Papa erlaubt ihm mir nicht. Ich habe schon ähnliche Filme angeschaut und möchte diesen nun auch ansehen. Mein Papa kennt diesen Film. Ich weiß nicht wie ich ihn überreden kann.
Star Wars 3 was ok, only the Ewoks have scared the old fans a little.
The finale was slightly overloaded compared to the other two films:
Luke’s confrontation with Vader and the emperor, space battle around the death star and then also the ground struggle on Endor. Taste, at least that made all sense.
The speech is about revenge of the Sith…
You probably confuse episode 3 with episode 6.
For me, Star Wars was completed after 1983, after which nothing came;-).
Episode 3 is among the fans the most popular part, after episode 5.
Episode 3 the most popular after Episode 5?
These are not fans… 🙂 Episode 3 was really terrible.
How can a masterpiece of film history be terrible?
No, it wasn’t. Episode 3 is my favorite part and the prequels are very popular with younger fans. In surveys, Episode 3 is always ahead. The older vintages that know nothing but the original trilogy are not fans who have never really dealt with Star Wars. Star Wars is more than episode 4 to 6 and should be it from the very beginning.
Then we agree at least on the point 🙂
The Sequels are also a single bad joke from woken feminists.
It might be a hakt with me, I didn’t consume Star Wars except for the movies, I would read all the comics and gug the cartoons, and then I might like the prequells better.
After all, I find them even better than the Sequels.
Jar Jar would have been able to save away rust, but the whole story of the cloning wars and the tragedy around Order 66 is very interesting, especially if you have won all the characters from The Clone Wars.
Only this does not change my statement.
No, he didn’t.
I have longed him three times, there are no dialogues that are not either artificially pathetic or simply strunzdumm.
Even the space battle at the beginning is so hectic and nothing that it does not remain in the memory.
I find episode 1 even much better. at least one slow setup with DIALOGEN 🙂 and a really successful race.
Even though the JarJar Bink’s toe is already very annoying.
But it can be denied, everyone has a different taste.
You don’t really understand. This film has epic soundtracks, scenes, dialogues and so on.
Badly cast actors, overboarded CGI, badly cast, predictable action and interchangeable sountrack?
But the end is brilliant, as where the optics and the sound goes again towards Episode 4-6.
I had a goose bump in the cinema.
But I’m not the target group for this kind of film, a masterpiece still looks different.
Because the movie has everything that a masterpiece is.
How should Episode 3 be a masterpiece of film history?
This is as to claim Star Trek X – Nemesis would be a timeless classic
Don’t seem like that. Many even talk about it being the best movie and that they want to see the original version
Gibs ne other than the current version?
There was an uncut version that I remember was for 4 hours, but unfortunately never became public. Definitely located on any data storage in any Disney office
I also read that many people don’t like the script
Interesting. Sounds logical. Episode 1 was more like a prologue. Episode 2 feels like the right start. And many say, episode 3 feels hung up.
In my opinion, the prequel trilogy of fans is more appreciated since there are the sequences. Episode 3 would even be a masterpiece if one had added the additional battle scenes that Nick Gillard posted on YT. Still my favorite Star Wars movie.
Episode 3 is also such a masterpiece.
I’ve never heard. I find the script of Episode 1 rather bad. Episode 3 makes imo little mistake. The best of what you could have done.
Compared with episode 9 is #3 not so bad.
still has a few flaws.
The change from Anakin to Darth Father is not particularly convincing and they also change a little the story that was specified by 4-6.
in 6 speaks luke with Leia about her mother and what she remembers.
I don’t know what the Hardcorefans are doing.
When the cloning warriors attacked, I can even understand that because of the love story between Anakin and Padme. But at episode 3 The revenge of the Sith is this inexplicable to me. Finally, this is the best Star Wars movie ever.
Episode 3 is actually the best film of the Prequels. Oo, would surprise me now.
Do you think the third part of the Sequels? So the movies with Ray? The script is generally found bad.
No, but I read comments in which they said that the script is bad.