Wieso fangen Menschen überhaupt mit Drogen an?

Habe ich nie verstanden, seit meiner Kindheit fand ich Alkohol, Rauchen und co immer scheiße und nicht cool. Habe daher zwar einmalig Alkohol ausprobiert aber um alles andere einen riesigen Bogen gemacht. Darauf bin ich stolz, ich verstehe einfach nicht wie man seinen Körper sowas antun kann.

Wieso schaffen das so viele andere Menschen nicht? Schließlich wissen sie doch alle das es schädlich ist… Wieso fängt man dann damit an?

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9 months ago

Different. Partly because you try it out of curiosity and find it great, partly because you simply want to be cool and belong to it, partly due to despair, lack of prospects for the future or serious fates.

I was the latter. Within one year, three very tragic things have been happening, which have completely thrown me out of the way and deprived me of any joy of life and prospects for the future.

First the Coronapandemic began, then my uncle died, the only still living relative I had (not of Corona) and shortly after that I was suddenly and completely unexpectedly left from one to the other day after a more than 10 years relationship from my partner, while I was actually more mentally married and would never have expected him to leave me.

It was too much for me. I got the most severe depression, I almost ended up with life and just wanted to relieve my suffering somehow. I also signed up for a therapy place, I wait for the assignment until today.
So I turned to a friend who can drive up everything possible in this direction, and said I’d like to try some things now…

Yeah, that’s how I started drugs.

9 months ago


Just like you tried alcohol. If you have the genetic condition, alcohol does something supposedly super-tolles in the brain, which you and I, which we do not have this genetic condition, cannot imagine.

9 months ago

Because you get better for a short time and make life more bearable.

9 months ago

I agree with the Alk. With other drugs, especially those who expand consciousness, I can understand why so many take it.

Cannabis as an example. From now on being “healthy” is just nice. And it doesn’t break you in scale.

Unfortunately, there is always the danger of dependence and that is the real problem.

9 months ago

Can have a thousand reasons. I started it because it was just funny. With the group of friends, you don’t think of anything bad. I honestly don’t understand smoking either. I’m pretty disgusting now.

9 months ago

Well, on the one hand, it expands consciousness you feel better and happier. And in a regulated measure and with reservation that no extenders are in it, it is not so harmful at all. I know an older woman 70 years old and has been taking heroin for 50 years. She’s fine and is fit in her head