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Why not?
If it tastes and is available, there is nothing against the need for nutrients for pure reasons.
In other countries, guinea pigs are also a delicacies and a properly prepared rabbit in this country.
Because it tastes and is nothing different from a chicken or pig. Where I have not tried guinea pigs so far because I have not yet been in a country where this is common (as Peru)
Hase and rabbits I’ve tried, rabbits used to have been bred by a neighbor who used to. These weren’t dwarf rabbits, but real edges.
because they are in peru poor and do not have much other and who live with them together in poor huts as we used to have lived together with the vieh in a house. what for us the chickens and pigs and cattle, are for the people there the alpakas or lamas and sea pigs, just use them and the jacks too.
it is ok so long the animals are well treated as long as they live and you only slaughter what you eat and need.
Because some people also eat dogs or spiders. It’s quite normal for some.
Hase is a lean, tasty meat and guinea pig is a delicacies especially in South America.
I rarely eat rabbits, guinea pigs. Hase is recommended
I haven’t eaten guinea pigs yet. Hase is very tasty. Most other meats, by the way.
Other country other customs. There are also countries where dogs, cats, spiders and insects are eaten.
Never seen the guinea pig eat. 😂
But hares seem to taste good. At Easter for example yummi.
No guinea pigs here, but in Peru a delicacies.
I’ve never eaten a guinea pig eww, but one has already, and this has tasted very well omagad, but for real, it was full well, better than chicken meat lol, but only eaten 1 times 🤝
So hares taste good
Because it tastes delicious!