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What’s so bad about it? And whoever has the driver’s license, in my knowledge, must not drive a taxi. A taxi driver(s) also needs a passenger ticket. And whoever can’t drive normally doesn’t get a driver’s license. I doubt about my own statement. In front of everyone, when you see what’s on the streets right now, and I’m not talking about people mean or set age!
In any case, you can’t just sit in a taxi and drive. :
What are the conditions?
Unfortunately, this is not a uniform rule!
That’s not the point. You can’t check if he’s a good driver. What if he’s got his driver’s license, even passed his exam, but he didn’t drive for 15 years and is hired directly? Isn’t it a threat to passengers? At driving others hurt or if he tries to park, but it doesn’t work?
You have no idea!!
If you are a taxi driver, you will also drive private cars. It’s so easy….
It is rather rare that someone has the FS and hasn’t been driving for 15 years and then chooses a driver’s job. At the moment it is so that someone like that is already in the middle of 30. This generation has grown by car. And it’s like the legislator didn’t want anything…
And if I see how many beginners whisper around here because of lightning, red light flashers, stopped with Alc or THC… then I definitely notice that it’s more the boys who can’t drive and don’t stick to rules.
Traffic rules are not forgotten. And there are no such serious changes. And driving a car is a matter of automatism and routine. If you’ve got this in, you don’t learn it anymore. In the normal case, it only takes a few km to get used to the car, then it’s in again.
If you didn’t ride a bike for 20 years, you don’t sit on it like a bloody beginner…
EddiR… I can only agree with him.
Although I don’t drive a taxi, I didn’t have a car between 2004 and 2017. Even a Simson S51 I only had from December 2015, I am 47 years old and have had the car driver’s license since 1994 and my first car since then. The experience I had gathered between 1994 and 2004 helped me to drive well again despite the “Pause” from 2004 to 2017. The “pause” was even quite useful for me, as I meanwhile traveling much less openly with the car than at the time when I was still young adults. With mopeds (and also trucks) I never drove in the form openly.
So how to drive after a “pause” of 10 or more years depends on several factors, namely the previous experience and the physical and mental health of the person concerned. Nevertheless, it is probably sensible to start again from the outset with the insurance percentages after a multi-year break – as with me.
How to do it best?
What do you want to do? Explain.
The FS is not able to do so.
There are plenty of people who have a driver’s license and can’t drive a car on public roads. And they don’t drive a taxi.
And there is a particular emphasis on the generation of under 30 years old, as not only I could observe several times.
To be able to drive a taxi, you have to meet certain criteria and this excludes the inability to drive.
If you feel that there are taxi drivers who can’t drive, this is your personal opinion and you should probably reflect on your own driving skills and ability. Maybe there’s the mistake and not the taxi driver.
Can they do that? Maybe you have some background information? That would help to understand your question.
as long as they may have a valid certificate