Wieso Deutsche Bahn nicht Privatisiert?
Wieso wird die Deutsche Bahn nicht Privatisiert?
Könnte man damit den desolaten Zustand nicht leichter beheben?
Wieso wird die Deutsche Bahn nicht Privatisiert?
Könnte man damit den desolaten Zustand nicht leichter beheben?
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The state company “Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB)” was abolished in 1995. Since then there has been a privatized DB group that currently consists of several private companies. I have listed the most important DB private companies:
DB Fernverkehr: responsible for passenger trains
DB Regio: responsible for passenger transport
DB Arriva: responsible for passenger transport abroad
DB Cargo: responsible for freight transport
DB Infra Go: responsible for the route infrastructure, control stations, stations (train stations) and the service there
DB Engineering and Consulting: responsible for construction planning, construction monitoring and maintenance.
Since privatization, I have been observing that the reliability goes down from year to year. There is a lack of track capacity, car material and, above all, personnel (in trains and on control units). In addition, it is built without end. And the politicians are powerless.
To privatize the railway was one of the hardest mistakes in post-war history. I remember the time when you came by the train everywhere. And that is reliable and punctual. That was a real state business.
No, a public good is never better by privatization, but worse.
You can see how bad the privatized railway is.
This would be clear if you find a private owner who can invest roughly 500 billion €uro over the next ten years
Moreover, DB AG is officially privatized as such, otherwise it would not be a public limited company
The British have done this, it came to a disaster and now the railway is to be nationalized again. With us it is almost similar, only the consequence is missing.
There are things that should be in state hands. I think the train is part of it. This pseudo-privatization was already bad enough.
I don’t think so. Then the train would only be there and when it rents on the road.
is private