Wieso denken viele Frauen sie hätten in der Schwangerschaft noch ihre Periode?
Können Zwischenblutungen, Einnistungsblutungen so stark wie eine Periode sein? Sind diese Zwischenblutungen dann auch immer mit starken Krämpfen verbunden? Oder denken viele nur , es sei ihre Periode da sie von hausaus eine eher schwächere Periode haben und keine/ nicht starke Schmerzen haben?
Foreway: who is pregnant and has severe bleeding that may even be with pain, or Convulsions are connected, should let it be cleared. This is NOT normal and indicates a miscarriage.
Apart from that:
There is, for example, the possibility that slight bleeding can occur at the beginning of pregnancy and can be confused with a (also this time very weak) period bleeding.
And then, of course, the brain is capable of amazing displacement performances according to the motto “it cannot be what should not be”. Although the woman may swear stone and leg that she has bleeded quite normal until four weeks ago, it may have been six months ago – especially if she does not book her period. In the course of pregnancy, the woman repeatedly has light bleeding from different causes and holds this for her period, although the bleeding is neither in the nature, duration or intensity of the period.
Because these women had irregular, short and weak periods before pregnancy. It happens, if at all, even very rarely to bleeding during pregnancy.
Some people always talk about it (‘the stress is that it’s so funny or not at all’, ‘it’s a normal thing happened’, ‘I’ve been sick last night, it’s gotta happen’) until they suddenly hold a child in their hands and realize that these changed bleedings were not the period. Of course, it sounds more and more beautiful when you can tell pride or sadness or in distress: “I still had my period, so I didn’t know anything about it until birth” instead of saying “I didn’t perceive the changed bleedings and constantly told me that it is nothing”
Those who had a regular, strong and long period before pregnancy will notice the difference to these bleedings. Periodic bleeding during pregnancy is not normal and an emergency, in most cases one had a leaving or a miscarriage.
But you would notice it in every case and 100% if you had no more period but a bleeding during pregnancy. According to your narratives (also from your previous question) I would not class you as 100% pregnant (I put my hand in the fire).
If you do not trust your body function, which almost only serves to indicate that there is no pregnancy, then do a pregnancy test. If you don’t trust this then go to the gynecologist and if you shouldn’t trust it (of which I don’t get out) then wait 9 months and stay absentee (no sex) when no child comes out of you, you can be sure.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
Insisting bleeding doesn’t get to face at all, that’s such a small bleeding that it doesn’t escape from the body. In extremely rare cases, a droplet of fresh blood can get out of the vagina, but actually only a droplet.
However, bleeding in pregnancy may vary greatly, from very weak to tumultuous, from a few minutes to several days, from light pink to dark red – a layman may be difficult.
But if bleeding is exactly the same, same strength,color,length and regular one can see it is the right period? So if bleeding is GENAU like the normal period
If one has a bleeding at the expected time (+/- a few days) which corresponds to the normal period, one can assume that it is also. Bleeding in pregnancy is quite rare and at this intensity an embryo would not be able to hold.
ok, many thanks
I’ve read this more often on the Internet that many women think.
If you do not take the pill, then can regular bleeding occur? So just like the period, not like a bleeding at the pill?
The pill has no proven influence if you have a bleeding in normal strength you are not pregnant, whether with or without pill. Without weak bleeding, you should test (with pill and without error) it is 2nd time
Abruption bleeding is also effected by a repulsion of the uppermost cervical mucosa (L. functionalis), which is however necessary for the indentation and discharge. The repulsion is effected by lowering the progesterone concentration. If a repulsion of the L. functionalis occurs, a possibly implanted cell product is also repelled with it.
Artificially, the construction of the Lamina functionalis is also nothing. The bleeding is also real. The “artificial abortion bleeding” is therefore rather annoying vocabulary.
If an ovulation occurs, the yellow body, which remains constant progesterone (independently of the hypophysic hypothetamus axis, on which the pill has a central influence) -> does not result in a significant drop in the progesterone concentration, which would result in proper bleeding.
Many women report, however, that their control bleeding under a micropille becomes significantly weaker or partially leaves without pregnancy due to hardening of the endometrium, so that only a few droplets of blood follow.
A thesis (which is so often found on the Internet) is therefore rather that a quantity of blood which can be associated with low progesterone fluctuations (without a real effect on the structure of the cervical mucosa and thus the indentation) is misinterpreted as abortion blood. Contrary to this are the concentration thresholds…
Either way, this phenomenon is rather rare and the abortion bleeding would also be absent from taking pills.
No, the pill has no influence, even if you keep saying that.
In general, 5-10% in early pregnancy have slight bleedings which are clearly different from one period. There’s a lot to be in