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2 years ago

This is always a very personal decision, which is also made for very different reasons. And if someone doesn’t want animals to die for his food, that’s all right.

I doubt whether you are making great changes now. But it’s at least a beginning. In this way, positive developments can also be initiated.

2 years ago

Well, that’s the demand. If fewer meats eat, of course, fewer animals are slaughtered. The fact is, of course, that then we are also bred and that they do not live at all.

I think this is a personal decision. I’m just doing this missioning on the cookies, no matter who side.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nussbecher

So to draw attention to violence is mission?

2 years ago
Reply to  Bodhgaya

? Going to others because they feed themselves differently than yourself, that’s missionary, and that’s what’s on my cookie. Just as wrong is it to encourage vegetarians or vegans to live. Violence, even verbal, is also not non-violent.

2 years ago

It seems to me that you are not able to read mene Postings sensually. Too bad, but not to change.

2 years ago

Freedom stops where the freedom of the other is limited. You wouldn’t call it a mission if someone beats his dog and other people attack him.

2 years ago

You know, this can be compared with elections, for example: If someone no longer chooses Party X, it will have no influence. If 100 people no longer choose them, neither. But if half does not choose it, it has a problem. And if they no longer choose 80% of the former voters, it will become quite insignificant. If no one ever chooses her, she’ll disappear.

What I want to say is that if half of the population suddenly becomes vegetarian, the meat industry will go down production, fewer animals would be slaughtered. One person does almost nothing, but can be the beginning for many more who follow.

2 years ago

Supply and demand if you’ve heard of it before.

These are such statements that people are meaningless but neither we vegans or vegetarians have ever said so. That’s a moral attitude. If one decides to leave the animals alone, give them a voice, so it is quite sensible to operate activism on the streets.

We’ll never give up until there’s no mass murder on animals.

2 years ago

Why do people think vegan or vegetarian they could change the world?

Vegetarians & vegans like to put this claim in their mouth, but I have met another vegetarian or vegan who claimed it.

It is nevertheless produced meat and animals slaughtered there is no one who eats them

In Germany, 1.3% of vegan & over 8% live vegetarian. So almost 10% of the population & that definitely makes a difference. Ask a company what it would mean for them if 10% of the customers dropped.

2 years ago

If everyone would think that way, the world would change

2 years ago

I don’t think so.

2 years ago

Who claims that vegetarians or Vegan thinking? They simply decided that they do not want to use animals or animal products. What bothers you?

2 years ago

Now calm down. It is of course good for the animals that many also do not eat meat.

It still produces meat

Yes, but in the future it may be less produced. Man can try.

2 years ago

Because they can. 😉

Even decades of traditional family farms now also produce meatless alternatives, tending increasing.

2 years ago

Who says they want to change the world? You have the attitude that no animal should die because of them. There’s nothing to do with that.

It’s someone who doesn’t eat meat. Less demand = less production. Logisch, right?

2 years ago
Reply to  ronnyarmin

Yes – and I also think it makes many people extreme fear (so that is probably just “existent fear” – because many lobbyists live from the suffering of the animals)…

2 years ago
Reply to  ronnyarmin

You have the attitude that no animal should die because of them

Very naive. Living without killing animals is not possible.

2 years ago
Reply to  wickedsick05

That’s not the point. It’s about the individual animal.

2 years ago

It doesn’t matter what animals it is. Every animal that is not killed for consumption is an animal that can live on.

2 years ago

No, just for farm animals and vegans did not abandon plants from farming for which animals die, but only animal products that always come from farm animals.

2 years ago

The questioner is not about a distinction in which category animals are classified, but about all animals.

2 years ago

General animals include wildlife, which means no animals are general.

2 years ago

That’s my speech. You started using the farm animals.

2 years ago

It generally refers to animals.

And there are ALL animals. Animals and wild. Wild are also animals.

2 years ago

Cows and pigs are farm animals, the deer for the deer roast is not. But this is not the question. It generally refers to animals.

2 years ago

But not all animals are farm animals so it is not about all animals as first claimed but only about farm animals.

The harebread is evil, but the field bun may be miserable on the field to consume plants.

2 years ago

Animals are also animals.

Production always depends on demand.

2 years ago

So it is not about animals as claimed first (that because of them no animal should die) but only for farm animals. So specialism.

2 years ago

Not ‘no animal’. Every animal that is not to be eaten can live on. It is only with delay because the meat must be offered before it is noticed that demand has fallen.

2 years ago

I think no animal dies. So quasi-religion

2 years ago

In view of your polemical “question” I would like to summarize:

  • “If you yourself are the change you wish for this world!” Mahatma Gandhi – how right he had…;)