Wieso denken alle falsch über mich?

Hey ich w17 möchte fragen warum alle falsch über mich denken, alle denken ich wäre angeblich ein junky oder eine hoe oder jemand der arrogant ist usw, mich verletzt sowas denn ich leide unter Depression und sehr starken Aggression, und will immer das andere lachen weil ich nicht will das sich andere so fühlen wie ich, ich versuche alle immer zu lachen zu bringen aber weiß einfach nicht was falsch mit mir ist, wenn ich Aggression habe gehe ich extra weg um mich zu beruhigen manchmal ist es so schlimm das ich einfach gegen die Wand Box und das habe ich bereut, aber das hatte ich auch nur gemacht weil ich angst hatte das ich andere verletzen würde, ich versuche so nett wie möglich zu sein aber irgendwie hat alles kein sinn.

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7 months ago

At your age it’s hard – know almost everything you’re talking about. And yes I know “at your age” is always a maximum annoying statement. I’m more concerned that you’re underage. But it is so, the perenniality, your own job choice, your own apartment choice changes a lot about how your environment is or who it consists of.

Over time, you will find a way to stand over what others claim or think. Strengthen your own thoughts, what you think about yourself.

There are no real instructions, but with a lot of self-reflection and possibly. Therapy gets better – it takes time! Good luck to you:)

7 months ago

The problem is that you don’t enjoy yourself, but you need attention, attention from others, look and, of course, be disappointed.

If you don’t get them, you’ll get angry, you’re sad too, you’re being cursed behind mental illnesses. And so you’re in hell.

Read Dante’s wood spoon history….because he explains the difference between heaven and hell.

If you want, I can also give you a short version of it in the comment…but only if desired.

7 months ago
Reply to  Maddy2007

A seeker asks a wise man what the difference would be between heaven and hell.

The way does not say anything, but goes into a cave and takes the questioner. It smells good, after fresh soup, but it’s an ear-breeding scream and owl.

In the cave it has a large pot and a large spoon around which all fight. No one can dip him into the soup, the others tear him away.

The questioner says that good is hell, but now I want to see heaven. The way goes ahead and they come into the same cave and it smells exactly the same, only there is no crying, but there is a happy mood.

Ten people keep the big spoon while the others can sown. After that, the others hold the spoon and so everyone can fill his belly, because it has enough for everyone. As the pot refills and never vanishes.

This is so in hell as in heaven… it only wonders how we deal with the things we meet.

7 months ago

There are always people who have to put something out, that cannot be completely avoided. It is important that you remain true to yourself

7 months ago

“because I suffer from depression and very strong aggression”

No plan on how to classify aggressive people as “Non Nett”.
That’s completely far from reality.

7 months ago

Because everyone has to swell something about anyone.

Without meaning.

7 months ago
Reply to  DocPsychopath

It feels good

2 months ago

hi em likes to write