Wieso denken alle das Lehrer so wenig verdienen?

Hey, also meine Eltern sind beide Lehrer und ich hab das Gefühl immer wenn ich das erzähle wird man bemitleidet weil die ja anscheinend so schlecht verdienen. Auch ne Freundin letztens in der Stadt( sie weiß, dass meine Eltern Lehrer sind) es ging um nen anderen Beruf und sie meinte „die verdienen ja noch weniger als Lehrer“

Ich mein ich weiß ja was meine Eltern verdienen und wir haben ein eigenes sehr großes Haus und 2 Ferienhäuser in Schweden und der Schweiz.

habe aber immer das Gefühl “beweisen” zu müssen, dass wir schon nicht arm sind

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1 year ago

The path to this profession is more similar to that in medicine or in law. So, study not only 3.5 years to the Bachelor, but good 5-6 years to the 1st State Exam. Then two years of referendariat – paid, but hardly better than an azuub. Then another state exam. And only then can people go to school.

The comparative value is therefore the case for doctors and lawyers, because of the comparatively long and demanding training. And also a high degree of responsibility, as this profession is concerned with the care and education of children.

And that’s exactly where it doesn’t look so tingly for teachers now. At least not off the gymnasium. But what is actually only a further injustice factor, since in other forms of school there is often a tendency for much more parental work as well as dealing with various problems that the kids bring with them…

Well, sure, you can live decent from these salaries, no question. But the comparison with occupations which are also meaningfully comparable to the factors that are generally regarded as “just” for a higher payment, then the teacher’s profession cuts really badly in most cases…

1 year ago
Reply to  HappyMe1984

As in other areas, the scissors are very different!

Rich BL pay more, plus ascents for a few! While in other BL only jobs are paid, as needed and in doubt newcomers are held for a very long time with time contracts and even released in summer!

Sure, an OStR in BW, married, two children, deserves great! But that’s not all.

1 year ago
Reply to  HappyMe1984

Thus, the comparative value is for doctors in the case of salary

I think it’s absurd to find out the best-paid professions (medicine) and then compare themselves with those… Of course, compared to the best paid job, one deserves worse…

There are many, very many professions where training takes much longer than teachers. Nevertheless, academics earn only €2800-3000 in the median. THE is the comparative value. The median, not the best paid professional group.

1 year ago
Reply to  MertIs

I explained clearly what this comparability is based on. Ever think that the “arrogance and superiority” could be on your side, because you don’t have a plan from the teacher’s job, and that you’re just so often using teachers to “get together regularly”?

1 year ago

Because many are not aware of the remuneration of officials.

You don’t know how the normal pleasures would be there, as well as what supplements there are, for example, in children, etc., as this is not common in the free economy.

Some also forget that if they see the gross values then that officials have quite different deductions and therefore (even after payment of private health insurance) much more net remains.

we have our own very large house and 2 holiday homes in Sweden and Switzerland.

If not due to income, 2 holiday homes (even in the not very cheap Switzerland) often refer to inheritances.

but always have to prove that we are not poor

Don’t learn to do that. Apart from that you’re not, even if that’s what it should be, because money doesn’t define you.

1 year ago

I don’t know that. On the contrary, it is always talked about above-average pay at “6 weeks vacation”. (That’s not true.)

It may be necessary to make a difference between employed teachers who, in my knowledge, earn significantly less, and officials.

Typical professions that are considered to be too low paid would be mMen rather hairdresser and social pedagogical assistant etc.

Or is the US speaking? Teachers in my knowledge earn significantly less than in Germany and this is also known there. So, primary school, high school. College seems to be more pitiful.

1 year ago

Why do all the teachers think they deserve so little?

So I can only explain this to myself that (the teachers I know) like to whisper passionately how little they deserve (without mentioning concrete figures). At least teachers I know do that very much.

I’m just disrespectful and indecent. One looks at the isolation of an A13er and compare it with the median income. Even in comparison to the median income of academics, teachers earn damn well

Just relax 1000€ net more than an average academic (yes, PKV already considered).

I could throw up every time that this mental thin-size-shot is “we deserve so little”.

1 year ago

Compared with teachers in other countries, German teachers earn very well!

But compared to other academia in D, they only earn medium! After all, a lecturer, including a 2nd, meanwhile 3rd, is still coming to the regular study!

After all, the climbing chances are relatively limited! Even at Gymmie, the majority remains at the level of a study council, since the High Study Council is no longer linked to age!

1 year ago
Reply to  Spikeman197

But compared to other academics in D, they only earn medium!

Objection. The median income of an academic in D is just 2800€ net (source IW Köln). Jep, so little. Now you can compare this with a married A13er with 2 children…

1 year ago

What do you think are factors that should be taken into account in the level of salaries?

1 year ago

Looking at the study duration of at least 6-7 years alone I find quite objective!

In Dipl. System gave almost only FH degrees after 3 years, including police officers, officers, even administrative specialists…now after 3 years you are an academic with a Bachelor.

1 year ago

As I said, the selective perception that teachers cannot be compared with the “normal” academic (because they are much better qualified) is superior to me. Then you think you can’t compare “the” with a normal academic instead of “dich”.

1 year ago

Young, I am not a teacher.

1 year ago

Everyone with a Bachelor degree after 3-3.5 years is an academic!

Yes, people who are less qualified than teachers play in the “toll academic median content” but also the salary of people who are far more qualified than teachers. Nevertheless, you say that the median would not be a comparative value because teachers would be better qualified than the “average academic”. You think you would be better than the “with a Bachelor’s degree after 33.5 years” without taking into account that others have done much more than the “5-6 years until the 1st State Examen then two years Ref” and who are just as in the median. And this selective perception I call arrogance and superiority.

1 year ago

Did I say somewhere that people who follow a science career meet good conditions and high salaries? No, no.

But are you aware that this path is one that only strikes a fraction of all academics? Everyone with a Bachelor degree after 3-3.5 years is an academic! So those who play in your great academic median content as well as much more than people who strive for a science career.

1 year ago

Hüstel…with promotion you can easily get to 100’000 €/a in the economy! And it’s more the minority! Also the cut has long been less than 1.5 children!

To argue with this, mM is a sign that you don’t really know what you’re talking about, OR you’re picking out deliberately overtrial examples!

1 year ago

Married and children automatically bring more money to officials – I think that’s why you chose this example?


It’s just really distorted!

No! Because the majority of the population is just married and has children. Nevertheless, the median is where he is. At €2800-3000.

And because you are constantly addressing your superficiality about 5-6 years + 2 years Ref, that would not be comparable to other academics. Scientists at the university have 5-6 years of study + another 4-6 years of doctoral degree and still earn less than one teacher (mostly E13, sometimes E14). Think about it when you’re able to do it. But they are certainly not a comparative value for teachers…

1 year ago

On the one hand, not all teachers are automatically married and parents of two children. Married and children automatically bring more money to officials – I think that’s why you chose this example? It’s just really distorted!

And “Akademiker” are also all those with Bachelor degree after 33.5 years. Teachers have now studied 5-6 years until the 1st State Exam, then made two years of ref and then successfully passed a 2nd State Exam. So if you want to find suitable comparison values here, grab lawyers and doctors, which fits better than the BWL-Bachelor after 3.5 years :).

1 year ago

A12, NRW, married, 2 children, rent level IV, approx. 3900-4500€ before deduction of PKV. You can compare this with €2800-3000 as a median for academics. I have absolutely no problem that teachers deserve very well – it’s just so unbelievable that they just don’t want to admit it and always try to talk or deny it small (although the numbers are freely and publicly visible).

1 year ago

But A13 often only gets who teaches in Sek II. For example, teachers at primary schools do not fall under the A12. So, if they are even beamed, which is far from the case in all federal states.

1 year ago

Here my source (click). It doesn’t matter, because 58500 € gross are just about for employees. 3000€ net a month and thus not so far away from the 2800€ of my source. I can only repeat myself. You can compare this to a married A13er with two children. Even after deduction of PKV, it is far above it. Very far. Regardless of whether you now use 2800€ or 3000€ as a reference value. Example NRW, approx. 4500€ before deduction of PKV.

1 year ago

Teachers don’t deserve the world.