Wieso darf ich keine Wildtiere schlachten?

Ich als normaler deutscher Bürger finde, dass es erlaubt sein soll Fleisch selber zu schlachten. Egal wer die Person ist, jeder sollte das Recht dazu haben bspw. in den Wald zu gehen und (mit viel Geschick und Glück) zum Beispiel einen Fuchs töten um ihn zu essen. Das ist viel umweltfreundlicher und es sterben jährlich weniger Tiere.
Warum ist das in Deutschland verboten? Es ist doch viel tierfreundlicher sein Essen auf natürliche Weise zu erlegen als dass es in Massentierhaltungen verreckt.

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4 years ago

Yeah, 80 million go hunting Sundays, one day everything is trapped. And what to eat next week. Birds and insects. That’s enough for two weeks. And then all fish begin, and in four weeks they hunt fellow human beings to come to flesh

4 years ago

This is simply forbidden as a layman because there are rules to be observed. And you have to be knowledgeable to know what you are doing, and finally we are talking about beings that you don’t “just make that kind of dead”. And to prove that you know the rules and have the necessary knowledge, Di must prove it to the state. As well as drive. The driver’s license is a prerequisite.

In order to learn these rules and everything else that belongs to it, there is a very simple way that is open to everyone interested:
Just make a hunting license. Then you can also, you just have to find a hunting opportunity and observe all the rules.

Here is a description of what you need to do:

4 years ago

You can’t do that because the animals in the forest don’t belong to you. They belong first to the owner of the forest and then to the one who leased the terrain as hunting.

Your idea is basically not bad, but you just made the worst example you could find with the fox. However, it remains unnoticed to you to lease a plot and to keep animals (chickens, cans, pigs, bark) and then to slaughter them themselves. For example, if it were a duty for every citizen to slaughter the animal whose meat he wants to eat himself, the proportion of vergetarians would rise abruptly. And no, I wouldn’t be a vegetarian.

I’m just pretending as if people were going to hunt in the woods completely uncontrolled.

4 years ago
Reply to  Artus01

Wild animals don’t belong to anyone, they’re free.

4 years ago
Reply to  stichelhaar

If You that means.

4 years ago
Reply to  Artus01

Property claim is again typical human. Whether it’s in law or not. Wild animals don’t help people. They are part of nature and their ecosystems. And nature is nothing and no one.

4 years ago
Reply to  Artus01

“However, it remains unnoticed to you to rent a plot and to keep animals on it (chickens, canteens, pigs, bark) and then to slaughter it yourself” Nope is also legally necessary for a specialist certificate, which I have to answer to the questioning pronouncement! § 4(1) Animal Protection Act requires this in all vertebrates.

4 years ago

Then look here:


And here:


You can only acquire something that has not heard you before!

4 years ago

the law of hunting is too correct for the landlord. The wild animals are considered to be heartless. If a piece is wild, the hunter may acquire the piece. These are two shoes.

4 years ago

So it says in law

4 years ago

§ 3, para 1, sentence 1 German law:

(1) The right of hunting is on its ground and ground.


4 years ago

We live in a state of law in which every resident and visitor is subject to the applicable laws. There is also a federal law. See:


Why there is a hunting law that regulates hunting and laying wild animals is the second question. There are also reasons for this (preamble, comments).

If every resident and passing person is simply looking for good dunes and without proof of a knowledge and professional suitability at any time (also in spare time), at any place (even in repentances, which are haunted by someone else) so many wildlife animals are likely to bang out of any kind as he wanted, this would certainly not be in the sense of animal welfare and sustainability.

Humankind has been aware of hunting regulations for millennia. I can imagine that even in the old stone period there was no pure arbitration.

How animal-friendly now is a hunt against the slaughter of domestic animals under strict regulations, it can be disputed. A wild animal that hears about the dog, or hears the gunshots banging around and that goes away in fear of death, has a higher stress a slaughter animal that doesn’t get what’s going on, and that is annoyed before slaughter.

4 years ago
Reply to  Paguangare

You’ve never been to a slaughterhouse, haven’t you?

4 years ago
Reply to  stichelhaar

Yes. I have already visited two slaughterhouses for him as part of excursions. I have witnessed the method by which the pigs have been anesthetized before the killing, as they were then hung on the legs, and how the throat was cut to bleed them. I have also seen how the carcasses have been subsequently processed and dismantled.

Have you been on a slaughterhouse? Why are you telling me you didn’t even know I’ve never been to a slaughterhouse?

As pigs are intelligent animals, there is a great deal of effort to make the feeding of animals to the anesthesia plant so that those who are still in the waiting loop do not notice what is going on before them. As pig, that’s the turn, enters the anesthesia plant and breathes carbon dioxide until it’s certainly unconscious. The bleeding then takes place immediately afterwards and very quickly, whereby the blood is discharged through a tube, so that nothing in the area is sprayed around. Death by bleeding also occurs directly. There is no noise in the battlefield and no fear cry. It is an industrial process.

Since the meat quality would suffer if the animals were previously under stress (one calls this PSE meat: pale, soft, exsudative), the slaughterhouses pay attention to not stressing the pigs from their own interest.

I have not personally witnessed the slaughter of other species. I haven’t been myself on a hunt. However, I can agree on these issues.

Do you know both the slaughter of pets and the hunting of wild animals on your own?

4 years ago
Reply to  stichelhaar

let alone in hunting

4 years ago

And do you now find it “a lot more animal-friendly to raise his food naturally,” as the questioner puts it in the room?

The hunting is a kind of meat production, which is only suitable for a declining minority of the total population to cover their own needs. You could have run around 30 million hunters in Germany (per non-vegetarian household one).

The amount of wild that could be carried by the landscape would perhaps only allow 2-3 kg of meat per person to be consumed per year and not 60 kg.

I think that as long as the vast majority of the population is not vegetarian, there is no way to stop the pet. And then there will also be battles, and not only riots in the wild.

4 years ago

Yeah, I know that. I was often on slaughterhouses as well as on hunting. I am an active hunter and I know from many conversations that in the majority of cases there are completely false ideas about hunting.

4 years ago

Have you ever heard the term “Wildfrevel”?

Apart from that, I guess everyone will tell you to kill a fox and eat it.

4 years ago

“I, as a normal German citizen, find that it should be allowed to slaughter meat itself.” I don’t. I’ll just talk to you about having the necessary expertise to slaughter an animal.

“Why is this forbidden in Germany? “Only because you’re missing the technical knowledge as you actually slaughter an animal. Besides, you have no idea what you might think of when and what is not. Don’t let me tell you if you have a wedge, bass or a brook in front of you.

Just to show how little idea you seem to have in mind: The fox is a carnivore. Animal meat eaters are not eaten by horror…

4 years ago

Imagine this… if any Hans Jürgen who walked away can shoot his own animal in the forest… There must be guidelines and guidelines.

4 years ago

Probably because the legislator does not trust each person the appropriate reason and the necessary knowledge.

4 years ago

Well, I think if everyone could just ball on it like that, or anyone could sort of cut off an animal or catch a trap or a sling – then the animals would surely suffer more ….

In addition, there would be no wild animals at all very quickly.

A question – so on the edge: are there actually “unnormal” German citizens? Because you are so explicit, you are a “normal” German citizen!

Where this has nothing to do with your question…

4 years ago

Logical reasons have already called you others.

I’m just pretending everyone could go to the woods and get fucked up on hell-com-raus. OmG, poor animals! How many of them would suffer a painful death and then end up somewhere after hours!

And I wouldn’t throw fox in your place. Or do you want to catch bandworms?

4 years ago

You just have to prove that you can be animal-friendly.

4 years ago
Reply to  Frida1204

A lion begins to eat when the animal is still alive.

4 years ago
Reply to  Frida1204

Are you a lion? You talked about animal-friendly.

4 years ago

Because it’s not guaranteed to pay attention to animal welfare. In addition, many wild animals are first tested for diseases after they have been erected.

In addition, this attitude, like yours, has only enabled us to chase animals only “counted”.

4 years ago

So far, there’s still every dump in the forest, because he wants to map a few viechers. Hello? You wouldn’t be safe anymore.

4 years ago

This is a ban on maintaining equilibrium in the already endangered forests. When too many deer are shot at the wrong time, the stock in the area is endangered.

If you want to hunt, take care of a hunting license. Then, in the context of the legislation you learn during the course of obtaining the appearance, you can create an animal in a way that is then also suitable to consume it. For example, if a gamble crashes and crawls on a stone, the meat is no longer suitable for consumption, just as an example.

How do I know? A friend’s partner is a hunter and had to pay a bus for the above-mentioned gams (because he was wasting them and couldn’t recover).

4 years ago

Füchse is only allowed from 15. Go hunting and shooting again in June. But they don’t taste so good

4 years ago

You ever slaughtered an animal yourself? And know how to proceed after that?

4 years ago

Of course, you can’t just steal a fox in the forest. He doesn’t listen to you at all.

4 years ago
Reply to  Frida1204

80 million people are supposed to be allowed to go hunting? We’re not getting tired, I’m telling you. We no longer live in the Stone Age, but in an extremely overpopulated country.

4 years ago
Reply to  Frida1204

For animals, however, no laws apply. For people already.

The fox that steals you a chicken cannot be put in court. But if that’s your neighbor, he can do it very well.

4 years ago

Normal German citizen… already clear. Please check that you don’t

You can see them at the Aluhut.

4 years ago

Are you taking drugs?