Wieso darf eine Frau nicht aufräumen nach einem Kaiserschnitt?

Ich räume auf, das ist nicht das Problem aber Ich meine das ist doch keine Schwerstarbeit.. Kann mir kaum vorstellen dass sowas eine Hebamme, oder Ärztin empfiehlt.

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1 year ago

I can hardly imagine that such a midwife recommends, or doctor

Yes. Just ask your wife’s midwife.

No matter how the child was born: the woman has an at least hand plate-sized wound in her womb, at the place where the place was sitting. This wound BLUTET (word weekly flow) and if it were visible, it would be clear to everyone that a person needs rest with such a big wound.

The general recommendation for the weekly bed is “One week in bed, one week in bed, one week around bed”, or modified “A week in bed, a week in bed, a week in the house, a week in the house.”

An imperial cut is a large abdominal surgery. It was cut (or torn) by all layers and this has to be cured first.

In particular, the abdominal muscles are not to be used after the surgery and therefore all that burdens the abdominal muscles is real hard work. Even if it’s all about getting in bed.

Wig, lift things up or even carry IS after imperial cut actually hard work and should be largely avoided. Anyway, if you have an interest in your wife recovering from birth well.

1 year ago

This is an operation with mostly considerable blood loss. Physical protection, it doesn’t mean weeksBETT, is enormously important for regeneration. Of course, this is recommended by midwives and doctors.

1 year ago

My mother brought me to the world with an imperial cut and in an imperial cut it is logical that if you cut the belly, there is still a wound.

The belly would be cut open and of course this wound needs time to heal and it hurts. There are activities, such as moaning or stretching/crushing, as it hurts completely.

And also how honorless are you to ask this question?!

Your abdomen was literally cut open and you Honk don’t like time to regenerate?!

Why don’t you take a child for 9 months and then make an imperial cut? Let’s see how you’d get it.

1 year ago

In the case of an imperial section, not only the uterus is cut open, the abdominal muscles are also severed and logically also the abdominal ceiling. If the woman lifts, etc, after the surgery there is a risk that the seam tears open.

I couldn’t even sit down for days. This will take its time until you can be reloaded.

1 year ago

After ner Blinddarm-OP, which is significantly less invasive, you also rest for a few days to weeks.

1 year ago

When you clean up, you have to bend, stand longer, lift your arms, wear something. All this is bad for the abdomen and the birth injuries, exerts too much pressure on the abdomen. In the case of imperial cut, the scar can reappear, even the uterus “drop out” at normal birth, because the pelvic floor muscle is not yet solid.

How honorless are you to question something like that? How are you going to take care of a child if you’re going to sort your way around at the beginning and try to run up your partner with this question?

1 year ago
Reply to  tim22100

What’s the problem you’re doing? How long has the birth been? “Although she does it” Yes, so it should be, everyone does what in the household and if one cannot, the other has to take over. You know, if you decide to get kids.

1 year ago

How long has the birth been?

1 year ago

Let’s cut 7 layers on your belly, get a kid out, and then say clean up.

11 months ago

Boah… I’m glad I’m not married to you. 🤨