Wieso bringt eine darmspieglung Nix?

Wieso bringt die Nix bei einer mittelgradigen bis starke Darm dysbiose Nix ? Der Arzt meint es wären sowohl die Gewebeprobe und die darmspieglung ohne Befund

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3 months ago

Within the framework of coloscopy, a colon carcinoma, inflammatory diseases of the intestine, such as Crohn/Colitis Ulcerosa Morbus, can be diagnosed and polyps can be removed, with biopsy/web sample.

Here you will find the appropriate diagnostics regarding a dysbiosis:

“Dysbiosis – Laboratory Diagnostics | DocMedicus Gesundheitslexikon” https://www.gesundheits-lexikon.com/Ernaehrung-Diaeten/Gleichweightsstoerung-der-Darmflora-Dysbiose/Labordiagnosis

3 months ago

A malfunction cannot be seen or photographed. Missing bacteria leave no hole or suicide note.
In the case of red nose, you can also see nix with a nose reflection.

3 months ago

It sounds frustrating that the intestinal reflection did not yield any clear findings, although you have symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis. There are several reasons why a colonoscopy (Koloscopy) could not show any Nix (Keim):

  1. Limited visibility: Coloscopy shows only the visible part of the intestine. If the dysbiosis or inflammation occurs in areas that are not directly visible, they can be overlooked.
  2. Subtle changes: Sometimes the changes in the intestine are so subtle that they cannot be recognized without specialized tests.
  3. Alternative diagnostic methods: Intestinal dysbiosis is often diagnosed by a microbiological examination of the chair, not by coloscopy. The doctor could request a stool sample to investigate the bacterial ratio in the intestine.
3 months ago

Intestinal reflection is used for diagnosis. Small polyps and hemorrhoids are often removed immediately. If nothing has been found, the intestine is not the problem.