Wieso bin ich nur Zuhauss?

Woran könnte das liegen? Früher habe ich immer etwas unternommen oder war draußen und hatte jedes Mal Spaß ,aber irgendwie habe ich die Lust dazu verloren und mag es nicht mehr draußen zusein oder mit Freunden raus zugehen..könnt ihr mir vielleicht sagen was für ein Grund das haben könnte?

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1 year ago

Maybe you can only find the right one for you outside! 🙂 I try to suggest a lot:

  • Walks in nature, by the way you can imagine stories.
  • Jogging or, if heavier, freerunning or parkour (at least two)
  • Challenges (for example, with GPS treasure hunt, in a straight line overcoming a route running all day towards the north.)
  • Outside in the park with few grapes or cherries do homework (or other works)
  • On site Malen/Zeichen in a sketchbook
  • If you like it adventurously: adventure playground, dam build (but watch and best destroy again 😆)
  • Scouts, football, archery and so on.
  • Mountaineering and climb the highest peaks. 🤠
  • Water battle at the creek, bathing in the lake
  • Photographing animals or places (for example, as a project I photograph the same place in the sun, rain, snow, storm and so on.)
  • Cock outside with the Nintendo Switch or read something.
  • Day trips to villages and small towns nearby, to caves or other attractions. There is now also the 49 Euro ticket ðŸTM‚
  • And much, much more 😄

I hope I could help you!

1 year ago
Reply to  Fuchss09

So if you don’t find anything ðŸ ̃‰ there is for everyone what I would find for me.