Wieso bin ich in Essen verliebt?

Jeder hat ja seine eigenen Vorlieben und Liebeleien.

Aber wieso liebe ich das Essen wirklich über alles? Klingt das absurd?

Es geht nichts über ein schmackhaftes Steak mit Beilagen, ein frisches Nudelgericht oder einen saftigen Burger 🥰

Essen ist das Geilste was es auf der Welt gibt.

Wer liebt es auch und genießt jede Minute beim Essen? 😛

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2 years ago

Homer Simpson had a side jump with a lamb-kebeb shoot. The cameras picked him up as he hugs him in a motel, kisses, showers with him, eats him. Later he calls him because he has longing for him. The Simpsons – Lisas Pony

2 years ago

I also like food, but don’t eat so much

2 years ago
Reply to  RobinYoutube

well, if you have breakfast-small meal- midday coffee cupcake dinner bread, yes, but if there’s 6 fulls, like 6 lunches, that would be a lot of it

2 years ago


2 years ago

Don’t think you’re in love with food. You are simply a person who likes to eat, there are again worlds in between xD

2 years ago

if you have no problems eating food, why not

Food is the sex of the age 🙂

2 years ago
