Why don't we just order 100 Eurofighters, 50 Tornados, 50 A400Ms and 100 Eurodrones?
Germany will invest in security, said the Chancellor. Why don't we just order hundreds of Eurofighters, Tornados, A400Ms, and Eurodrones? That's the only way to ensure security.
We have enough money. If we place these orders, jobs in Germany will be secured, the economy will be boosted, prosperity will increase, the state will have more tax revenue, Germany will be afraid, Russia will no longer be able to endanger world peace, and the world's population will live happily ever after. It's a win-win situation.
When will this order arrive???
Tornado has not been produced since 1998 – sometimes on the edge
Eurofighter is already more ordering than can be produced at all.
A400 – the same as the Eurofighter.
Euro drone – also the same as the Eurofighter and A400
you can have as much money as you want and order If no longer is produced – do not use your order – it does not come faster or more.
If you’re making something and can deliver a maximum of 50 in the year and you’ll get a order of 200- how much can you deliver immediately?
So it’s not that easy.
Because you can’t just restart the machines in military aircraft like a jam factory. The aeroplanes mentioned are all together and are no longer in production, the necessary specialists have long been employed elsewhere, a resumption of the same would therefore be a logistical and financial force.
And how would that be financed? Tax increases and/or newer public debt.
Have you ever tried to eat these arms? How long can you live when you swallow iron. I don’t give you 30 days.
We don’t have enough food anymore, that’s the problem.
We have money enough?
Maybe. But we don’t have that much.
A Eurofighter costs 286 million euros.
First tell me where you want to buy 50 tornados?
Then I would like to know where to get the 700 pilots and 3,000 top trained and highly specialized maintenance technicians?
Why does anyone come around here every day with some schnapps? Is no one in a position to think a little?
Lufthansa has many maintenance technicians who can be taken. Airbus produces many combat jets that can be bought. Where’s the problem?
Go to Lufthansa and see where the maintenance engineers are running. The sitting Shannon, Tulsa or Manila. Moreover, they have enough to do to keep Lufthansa’s fleet in the air.
53 ordered from 2014 Airbus A400M 40 have been delivered until now. They are not so easy to get. The Lockheed Martin C-130J-30 “Super Hercules”
.. have already got head stalls in which the USAF has put its need behind.
I don’t think you know a lot about aviation.
Not at all. The money is needed to support Ukraine.
The chancellor is hopelessly overwhelmed with the war situation.