Wieso bekomme ich Krämpfe bei bestimmten Bein Bewegungen?

Hallo! Ich bekomme Krämpfe am Bein z.b ich an einem Stuhl sitze und mein Bein etwas zu nach hinten mache kommt ein Krampf oder auch beim schlafen in der Nacht. Wieso ist das so?

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2 years ago

You are probably overacidified, and as a result you can create cramps, you are overacidified by a lot of stress or dispute. So we’re scraping ourselves and acid is produced. This acid would be slowly excreted. But it is often the case that the stress always occurs. We’ll be over-acidified. To survive, the body stores the acid everywhere. The connective tissue, the muscles, or somewhere else where the acid is injected, hoping that as soon as rest comes, everything can gradually be excreted.

Many people today are over-acidified and complain about any complaints. The aercetes usually treat the pain points and overlook the cause.

Also eating pork brings acid to the body as well as other things, such as alcohol etc.

2 years ago

De Musculature is too weak.