Wieso bekomm ich Fleisch zum essen (bin vegetarisch)?
Jeder in meiner Familie weis das ich kein Fleisch esse weil es mir nicht schmeckt und weil mir die Tiere leid tun. Meine Oma hat sogar lange versucht mir Fleisch zu geben weil sie dachte ich werde dran sterben… warte… sie denkt es immernoch. Auf jedenfall hat meine Mama mir heute piccolinis gemacht und sie sagte da ist nur Käse dauf! Dann hab ich gemerkt das mir schlecht wird und der geschmack war auch komisch, also hab ich unter den Käse geschaut und da war alles voll mit Fleisch! Ich hab sie darauf angesprochen und sie meinte nur das es verbrannter Käse ist… Junge wo ist verbrannter Käse Pink???
Jetzt ist mir richtig schlecht und ich könnte fast kotzen, meine Mama weis das mir das nicht wirklich schmeckt und trotzdem macht sie es, WIESO?
Because older people are usually conservative and will not understand how to dispense with “good” meat.
Yes, the good old appeal to tradition fallacy
Talk to your mother and tell her you don’t want to eat meat, or you don’t eat the food at home anymore. And eat around the meat someday people will understand it, and buy some pills of vitamin B12, you don’t have to take it but so your mother sees that you don’t need the meat.
I should generally take any vitamin pills I always have iron deficiency, but that’s what I’ve eaten longer than I eat meat, where do you get them?
If you had a shortage of iron proven by the doctor, you should have written the iron tablets. Otherwise you get to buy iron tablets in any drugstore or pharmacy. In the same way, you can just change your diet so you can take enough iron to you (but only if you have a slight iron deficiency. In case of a heavy iron deficiency, you need to take tablets and then those in the right dosage and that should have told you doctor)
I understand you, you made a decision for you and finished. I know family can exert a lot of pressure, but stand up for you. You can make your point of view kindly clear, but stress your seriousness and best do not discuss the meaning and nonsense of your decision, because the subject is always a statement against statement. The idea with the fridge place from the other comment I find super. That’s how you get your room.
Unfortunately, I can’t estimate whether it was a mistake or intention, but you can’t rely on your family as you see.
Maybe there are communication problems with you or it was a mistake. Talk to each other and make your point of view clear again.
Prepare your own food. Buy yourself and make sure you have a fridge place.
You need to press your mother with the relevant official scientific findings.
1. The effect on health
Two. The effect on the environment
And then there is something that calls itself ethics and morality. However, it will be difficult to discuss because the carnivore is then argued exclusively with logical faults.
If someone suffers there can be no moral justification why one should refuse to prevent this suffering.
Maybe because they recognized your dietary disorder? I have nothing against your vegetarian attitude, but if I read your text so much, you’re getting sick of it – that you’re so dramatically bad after this paintheur…
It is also about the fact that the person does not taste it. If you can’t get peas off, it can make one of them bad. I notice that the dish is not vegan, then I put it politely to the side and eat something else. At the beginning, as a vegetarian, I was like that at the beginning, but that was settled. In the meantime, such incidents are no longer happening.
Well, anyway, it’s got some moves. And I believe that not a few will see this – this may also explain the views and behaviour of his family members.
I had to pass myself over more often because I ate meat, but if I say that is bad for meat then I mean that too.
I really don’t really get in there I just eat what comes on the table even if I don’t taste it! Actually, everyone knows that is vegetarian and I get only vegan or vegetarian products but with meat gets me immediately bad and I can’t understand why they always do that…
Also, precisely this component, this always nausea in meat, I consider a purely psychological component.
This claim was not scientifically recognized!
The rest consists of the Ad Hominem fault. You can save the answer the same way.
You obviously didn’t even understand my answer because there is no need for any further discussion.
Pardon, but I think that’s unlikely. If the mother were so desperate, she would offer supplements to her child, explain it or inform herself about how to eat vegetarian and healthy. A mistake can occur, but we can only speculate. The questioner is now merely to discuss the events and to ask the circumstances.
If it was subjugated and it wasn’t perhaps a mistake. Or maybe it was a really desperate, helpless and worried mother…
Maybe. Dialogue is important. A couple of years ago, I worked like that. I don’t eat meat, and I wouldn’t just eat any more, would be something in food, but I don’t cook ten minutes or anything. It is simply important to have a healthy handling of his abandonment and to understand what it takes. On the other hand, is it okay to secretly subjugate the meat?
Certainly not.
you exaggerate.
because she likes it.
you didn’t have to eat it.
I know but I didn’t know that there’s meat inside, I just get vegetarian or vegan stuff there I trust them, I don’t scan every eat hahaha
naja – to your broken zeh you asked beaten eight.
but not a single one to get the taped.
hmm ok wait there is 9:)
no fun haha, I got a rubber ring from the last time I can use, well the old vllt is not dirty but the replacement I can take:)
Vegetarians don’t eat meat.